Bibi Endorses Trikone's
Kulture Kulcha '08 Fundraiser Extravaganza!
Bibi will donate 100%
Of the proceeds to 6ix international charitable organizations: Helem (LGBT Center in Lebanon), Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO), Iraqi LGBT, and ASWAT (Gay Palestinian Women's group). Two additional organizations will be selected by our guests at the night of the event.
Love from the Beneficiaries:
"Four years ago, Helem was founded in Beirut , the first LGBT center in an Arab country," said Bassam K, coordinator of Helem San Francisco Chapter, "Helem and other LGBT groups in Iran , Iraq , and Palestine deserve every dime we collect at this fundraiser."
Arsham P, Executive Director of IRQO adds, "IRQO is grateful to help more than 70 refugee cases in 2007 and most of them will resettle in Canada and USA...we will spend all donations and grants for Iranian queer refugees and their safe houses and health issues." (MySpace is blocking this link)
“I am writing to thank you for this amazing initiative and that it is really a great honor to us that we are there in your minds and hearts as you are all in ours!†pronounced Rauda M, General Coordinator of Aswat.
Ali H. from Iraqi LGBT expressed, "On behalf of IRAQI LGBT and myself, we would like to express our sincerest and deepest gratitude for your kind and great effort to donate to our organization."
"Your willingness to look at the problems through a lens of humanity head on and find it in your heart and soul to assist our organization and the very individuals whether it be many or one makes a sentinel change in how IRAQI LGBT is able to operate and provide support, security and some peace of mind."
Bibi Chic : 04.19.08
Bibi LOVE : 02.09.08
Bibi's Masquerade : 10.20.07
Bibi SF Pride : 06.16.07