Cigarettes, coffee, Moscow, Africa, Amsterdam, puppy dogs, getting my back cracked by Asians, opium dens, city dwellers, the underbelly of society, undesirables, Paris, deadly auto races, midget tossing, PBR, 1664, pig tails, self-deprecation, sushi, cheap dates and crashing parties in Northern Europe, mainly Belgium and The Netherlands., it's Dutch so you have to figure out the country code issue. If you call, breathe heavily and pant.
Girls in plaid skirts and especially ones who buy me beer and/or wine, Nazghalia and Diane Kruger, the German actress. My turn offs are wack m.c.'s and girls with cheap make-up and their boyfriends. And last but not least;
Madness, The Jam, Clash, Social Distortion, Johnny Cash, the Hold Steady, Ivy, Nouvelle Vague, Stereolab, Dillinger Four, Replacements, Husker Du, Soul Coughing, That Dog, Tom Lehrer, William Shatner, XTC, the Specials...
Dr. Strangelove, Art fuck films, March of the Penguins, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, plot driven pornography (you laugh, but it’s interesting in some strange sense), Le Fem Nikita, Man Bites Dog, The Life Aquatic, Caddyshack, Lawrence of Arabia, Blazing Saddles, Star Wars (only the last three), and some others.
SCTV, The Daily Show, The Kids in the Hall, Faulty Towers, anything else on BBC, anything on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim, Mr. Belvedere...
Politics Among Nations, Tales of the Cities series, The Prince, Theocracy or Democracy, No God but God, Kremlin Rising...
I have some, but they're all dead or really stupid. My Dad can be cool, but he's really square. I often think to myself how cool it would be if Mister Rogers was my Dad or Captain Kangaroo.