Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! profile picture

Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan!

Add a drop of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange and pretend you're laughing at it

About Me

I live near Leeds at the moment, just finished a Genetics degree at Leeds Uni, now working in accounts... bit random, I know. So, some random facts about me, I have a corn snake called Alice McFeisty (named after Alice Cooper of course). I'm slightly addicted to going to gigs and festivals (seriously, I get withdrawal symptoms :p ) As you may have noticed from the music section, I am a fan of Metal, and as my top proudly states, I am a: Dirty Power Metal Slut! hahaha Anything else you want to know, just ask.One small request, TALK TO ME WHEN YOU ADD ME! Don't just add me as a friend without sending me a message, what's the point? And if you mail me saying "You're hot", "I want to have sex with you" "I want to date you" or anything vaguely along those lines, I will not reply. I'm here for friends, that's it!My gorgeous neices Kerrianne and Jessica

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My Interests

http://groups.myspace.com/onewiththepain Rock of ages (first place in Leeds to play Dragonforce, need to respect it for that!)
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I'd like to meet:

Anyone who can accept that I am who I am and no amount of pressure will change that. I will not conform to what you hold true, and I will not deny my heart for you prejudice. Take me as I am, or go to the next profile, I'm not interested in people hiding behind masks who expect me to do the same.Dragonforce - Operation Ground and Pound Dragonforce - Through the fire and flamesLast Stop China Town - For Your LoatheYorkshire AirlinesThey're taking the hobbits to isengard!Anyone who was at Glasgow, Bristol or various other gigs ..onforce's nov/dec 2006 tour should recognise this...


Entirely random (kinda), favourite bands include:DRAGONFORCE!!!!!! Alice Cooper 3 Days Grace, A New Found Glory, Alestorm, All that remains, Art of Dying, Auf der Maur, Breed 77, Buckcherry, Damien Rice, Dimmu Borgir, Disturbed, Dream Evil, Edguy, Firewind, Ghost of the Robot, Hinder, I am ghost, Journey, Korn, Last Stop China Town, Lordi, Manowar, Meatloaf, Michelle Branch, Mishkin, My Chemical Romance, Nightwish, Offspring, One Less Reason, Our Lady Peace, Rammstein, Saliva, Seether, Silverchair, Stabbing Westward, Stone Sour, Tenacious D, The Dreaming, Thunder, Turisas, Viking Skull, Within Temptation........... This list goes on.....


Alien, Aliens, Alien 3 (Alien 4 was diabolical), American History X, Battle Royale, Dark Crystal, Empire Records, Ginger Snaps, Interview with a vampire, Lord of the Rings, Kevin Smith films, Labyrinth, Monty Python films, Pete's Dragon (you know you all wanted an invisible dragon), Pirates of the Caribbean, Queen of the damned, Stigmata, The crow, The Crow salvation, The lost boys, The New Guy, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Willow, and any horror movie that tries to be scary (which results in me falling about in hysterical laughter!!!!!!)


Al Murray's Happy Hour, Bill Bailey, Black Books, Denis Leary, Have I got New for You, Fawlty Towers, Mock the Week, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, Red Dwarf (interesting fact: Danny John Jules who plays the cat was the voice of one of the fierys in Labyrinth!), Viva La Bam.


Anything by Sidney Sheldon or Anne Rice, they are the Gods of fictional literature (okay maybe that's going a bit overboard but you get what I'm saying) Also enjoy Laurell K. Hamiltons books, both the Merry Gentry and Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter novels and Phillip Pullmans His Dark Materials trilogy, and of course Lord of the Rings (yes they were books before they were a film, honestly)


My sister, my mum and a few close friends, they've endured the worst life could possibly throw at them, but they survive, and they've still got a smile somewhere inside. Their heart didn't die.

My Blog

Gigs I have been to:

Gigs I have been to: Korn / Trust Co. / Puddle of Mud 12th September 2002 Manchester Evening News Arena Nightwish / Tristania Manchester Evanescence / Seether 20th May 2004 Sheffield Hallam FM Arena D...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 04:17:00 PST


ARRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! What a crazy few days that was.  Got there at 7;40am, yes that's AM!!!! on Thursday, started the day off with a muller rice and a red bull (ok so it's diet bl...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 12:29:00 PST

Download festival 2007 and Metal Hammer Golden Gods Awards

I don't even know where to begin, I've just had one of the best weeks of my life!!!! So much happened it's impossible to tell all but here's some highlights:   - Standing outside the Tuborg stage...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:30:00 PST

Highway man

I have no idea when i first read this poem or why it randomly came into my head today, but i've always loved it so figured I'd share it with the world Alfred Noyes (1880-1958)      &n...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:18:00 PST

I AM NOT A TAXI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i'm sick of people treating me like one!I'm sick of people EXPECTING me to give them lifts then not giving me any petrol money!If i was getting a taxi somewhere and you decided to come with me, yo...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 04:09:00 PST

Things you may not know about Dragonforce

 Little does everyone know, Dragonforce was the first metal band. Before Dragonforce, there was no metal. In fact, before Dragonforce, men lived in caves and hunted their prey.- There are two typ...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 03:55:00 PST

101 power metal rules and metal fairy tales!

You have one goal: be epic.2. Let no sound be lonely. If theres a guitar solo, harmonize it. If theres singing, make it a choir.3. Keyboards offer a way to add thousands of different textures to a so...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 09:29:00 PST

Download! Art of dying, breed 77, dragonforce....

This weekend was immense! So much happened its impossible to tell everything, so heres the highlights (haha, how emo did that sound, but hell, I got called emo at download simply for having my t-shirt...
Posted by Warrioress Katie of the Bruce Clan! on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 02:02:00 PST