I like video games. :) who doesn't? hmm...Conker's bad fur day is my favorite game, just cuz its funny.
EVERYONE! hah, no not really, I'd like to meet my sanity(If you ever meet it please let me know)
What Your Underwear Says About You
When you're bad, you're very bad. And when you're good, you're still trouble!
You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.
The Underwear Oracle
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Music is a big part of my life, I like all types of music, there are some types I like more than others, but i'm willing to listen to anything...usually. My favorite band at the moment is The Exies...(add them on here, you know you wanna)
Well...seeing as I work in a video rental department...I watch a lot of movies :) I recently saw RENT and it was actually really good, as far as musicals go. I like movies so much I took an American Film History class(I blame my older brother), where you watch movies from different time periods. Great stuff. I love horror movies, I get scared so easy, but I love to be scared so all is good.
I have one...thats about as far as this one goes, I don't have time to watch tv...so yeah.
I like Fantasy/ Science Fiction books.TERRY GOODKIND ROCKS MY SOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Horror books are fun too. I also like to read psychology books because they make me feel better about myself :)
Superman, Flash (he's my favorite), Green Lantern (he's my second favorite) .... okay okay, uh I would have to say people in the military, because I could never do that im too much of a pansy, so anyone out there who is in the military, you rock my socks. :) thanks much.