Far from normal at an early age, the March 10th 1985 born baby couldnt wait to have the world for a stage. While growing up, school, sports, and music were all areas that Dustin could find audiences in. His charismatic leadership and drive to win at any cost made him a fan favourite in both lacrosse and hockey. The switch from the arena to the stage was a very natural transition.
Dustin was taught by Dave Ziemba, the guitarist from another Newmarket based band The Salads. Dave would play and Dustin took it all in, like a guitar strummin sponge. Dustins learning curve was so dramatic by the time he was 15 he was teaching guitar out of the same chair he once took his lessons from, at the Arts Music store in Newmarket, Ontario.
Today Dustin strives to please his audiences with energy, emotion, and quality that is often lost in todays popular music. His lyrics are insightful and straight forward, inspired by his interest in human behaviour. Although Dustin writes about a lot of serious events, he is always happy while entertaining and has been known to add an upbeat Celtic tune to his set list when the time is right.