Oh there are many; of course once the swelling oppressive sensation of hopelessness and nothingness, the pointlessness of it all rears its head i am left in oblivion and it takes something truly special to claw me free of its foul and promising grip.....perhaps some cherry fruity whips or a fresh bath in some unfortunate wretch's intestines....the refreshing thrill of blood, gore and the cries of another's agony, curses mingled with pleas for mercy....oh what fragmented joy it brings.....you....know what i'm talking about here, right? If all else fails i have an argument with nailbunny head or the dolls doughboy and mr fuck. Sometimes i think they know something i don't.....
the aliens that stalk me.....persons with victim mentalities.....happy noodle boy fans.....a special girl to spend my lonely evenings with, to gaze at the stars and ponder life, to explore this feeling called "love", and who won't get all scared and flip out when i have to kill her...to preserve the moment in its unblemished perfect state! Oh god why didn't she understand!?!?!?!?
Classical, Experimental, Progressive, Techno/Industrial, Darkwave, Punk, Death Metal/GrindCore/Crust/Sludge/Doom/Black Metal,And screams of pitiful victims as they meet their inevitable end....
Horror, psychologcal thrillers, True crime, etc.
gumby, the local news talking about my latest works, and the fuzz of static late at night.....the aliens send their transmissions to us....
Anything by Howard Phillips Lovecraft, E. A. Poe, Ayn Rand, Frederick Nietzche, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Alfred Bester, or Dr. Seuss....Although ever since i accidentally shot myslf in the cranium, my reading ability's been somewhat impaired, huurrrrggh...
Dr. Hannibal LecterCarl PanzramLady DeathJack the RipperRoberto SuccoThe IcemanCharles MansonPeter Stübbe, Werewolf of Bedburg