Cynthia profile picture


.. Such worth as this is, Shall fix my flying wishes, And determine them to kisses.. Let her full gl

About Me

hello, you have to check out this sweet page for creating your own south park cartoon
click on this link tomake one for yourself -----------------------------------------------------------I 'm a retired kickboxer, presently teaching Martial Arts in Los Angeles. Love to read, do MA, train with kettlebells ( Pavel and Anthony Diluglio ROCK! ), and I dance, drink, and get into all kinds of trouble with my comic friends on my off time.... Love running, exploring, swimming, anything that involves nature and brings me closer to God. Picture a female version of Bear Grylls, and you've got a good idea of what I like to do when I get out of town. I enjoy fond memories others share about their life experiences, their sh*tty experiences, and I also enjoy the sh*tty people when they share their sh*tty life experiences....... I admire people who respect the value of everyone and everything, and I always try to sustain my peace in discipline, oh, and drinking...and, um, porn........ LOTS and LOTS of PORN. I'm not very photogenic.... If you know me, you know what I look like, I look like ME. Big lips, big eyes, unusually long, muscular legs for my little body, long hair, dirty mouth, absolutely FILTHY thoughts, and a happy disposition despite being what my friends call me, a " Cabrona ". Picture a girl-woman unproportioned, with tattoos from the-world-famous Swag The Great here and there ( Afterall, I am the next, future Mrs. Swag, if he'll have me, that is.... ), and you've got me with a good self-esteem despite my many, MANY flaws and weaknesses....... O];> People have also asked me what I can do after all these years of training, and I think this pretty much sums it up:Oh, and this:_______________________________________________________ ____

Myspace Layouts at / Neon blue flowers

Your results:
You are Supergirl
Supergirl 95%
Wonder Woman 95%
Superman 90%
Iron Man 90%
Green Lantern 80%
The Flash 75%
Batman 65%
Robin 65%
Spider-Man 60%
Hulk 60%
Catwoman 60% Lean, muscular and feminine.
Honest and a defender of the innocent.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

My Interests

Martial Arts, Western Boxing, helping others, volunteer ALOT, bettering myself, empowering others, studying for my ACE and AOS Certs, love making my comic friends laugh their *sses off, just not sure if I want to take it on stage or just write my stuff down( Tired of being called a "muse" to my writer pals and having them use my stuff. )... Love being with my dearest friends, going to comedy shows just about all of the time, the symphony, local plays, movie premiers, speaking events, ringside at fights, Lakers games ( Lakers Inc. SPOILS me with courtside seats, neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-NEH ;P Hey! I work hard for them, Man! ) playing at my local beaches, shopping in Venice and Hollywood, hitting private lounges VIP, eating at the best places in town, my faves are: Takami, over-looking downtown, Yamashiro, over-looking Holly, and Falcon's Lair, hidden from paparazzi, and local dives in Chinatown are good so far... Oh, and porn. I like LOTS and LOTS of PORN. HAHAHA.

I'd like to meet:

I've met, have, and continue to hang-out with all the famous people ( That are living. ) that I have ever wanted to meet. Now I just want to meet honest, fun, and genuinely kind people, students wanting to contact me outside of the gyms (KHMER-LONG BEACH & WILDCARD), people off the film lot that want to vent or reschedule a private training session, or just friends from all over the planet that don't want to make over-seas phone calls just to leave a text or a message on my "bloody voice mail", trying to catch me during my insane schedule.


Anything eclectic with meaningful lyrics, classic composers, rock, punk, classic rock, country, jazz, soul, or just straight-out hip-hop that goes right through me. If I can think through it, sit through it, sleep to it, dance to it, or spar to it, I like it. I never limit myself with anything that helps me grow positively or pleases my senses, that includes music. However, I like original stuff. Tribute bands and wanna-bes make me kinda sick. Even the rockin' guy with the guitar, turban, and rollerblades that plays all around Venice Beach is more of an artist than those guys... But that's my take on it from having close, personal friends that are REAL musicians and lyricists. Call me a Rock and Comic snob, and I'll agree with you. O];>


Love Tony Jaa films, anything 80's, dark comedies, independent stuff, any movies and/or t.v. shows my friends are in, selective stand-up films, Pryor, LOTS and LOTS of Richard Pryor, Robin Williams, of course... Oh, and did I mention Robin Williams...? ;>


My favorite TV shows of ALL TIME?Mork & Mindy, House, Father Ted, Little Britain, Kath & Kim, Black Adder, Benny Hill, SCTV, Saturday Night Live, Kids In The Hall, etc.


The Alchemist ( The illustrated version, with Mobeus is my favorite ) by Paulo Coelho, Matt Kelly's stuff, he's a good friend, Aurelius, Nietzsche, to name just a few for bettering myself. Dean Koontz, Stephen King ( His efforts for the Lubec community are outstanding. ), and J.D. Robb for fun because long ago I was told by a slew of People I AM Eve Dallas incarnate, and now I know they were right..... Poetry from Frost, Henry David Thoreau, Emerson, General Patton ( Yes, he wrote poetry.... ), and Crashaw, O'Shaugnessy, to name a few, also. But our local poets in LA, especially some that speak at Beyond Baroque, are awesome, too. My interests vary, like my taste in men, kidding...


A hero is someone I want to strive to be more like.... So I can definitely say my heroes are Castle, Padre Pio ( He ROCKS! ), my Teachers, and my Friends. I admire great fighters, and great comics, such as, Pryor and Williams. With great wit comes great brilliance. So I guess my comic friends are alright, too.... ;P And, DEAN! He's definitely one of my heroes!Bruce Lee - Be Like Water
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My Blog

You guys have asked me what its like......

Training with Master Oumry. How it is comparable after being trained by Master Toddy, Ajarn Chai Sirisute, and Guro Dan Inosanto. I couldn't quite explain it, so I decided to show you guys..... When I...
Posted by Cynthia on Mon, 26 May 2008 09:34:00 PST


Posted by Cynthia on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:19:00 PST


Thanks, you guys!
Posted by Cynthia on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:38:00 PST