Tattooing craniums.... and other things...Get Your Own! | View Slideshow Get Your Own! | View Slideshow I'm interested in just about anything new (or new to me)...and obviously anything that has to do with the ocean, travelling, surfing, meeting people, basically just experiencing life on a more visceral level....I also love any medium...however, my personal favorite (at the moment) is opaque ink and skin, i also airbrush, draw, build custom furniture (minimilist modern)...and recently i taught myself how to pinstripe...because 1SHOT is all we get. stand-up paddling my tandem board Get Your Own! | View Slideshow , i recently discovered a new obsession at waimea and last but by NO means least: the DOUBLE-UP @ V-LAND...(who am i kidding? "last"? be honest the list does NOT end there. it's almost a sickness, this appetite for more...for new, different, INTERESTING, memorable, experiences. I feel like it's important to include the fact that i also appreciate the here and now...that i recognize the value of even the smallest of the treasures i'm blessed with on a daily basis. i am realatively comfortable in my own skin...i'm simply driven to operate outside the constraints of the banal/
PEOPLE WHO WANT TATTOOS....people who smile when they surf... the guy who was supposed to get all this amazing shit that i got by mistake...and the spoilsbury toast boy, chopper and Eddie Bunker.
I listen to everything from the Misfits (and i don't mean that shitty band that call themselves the misfits now)...Bad Brains (with H.R.)...Jill Scott, wayne "the train" hancock, white lines, george jones, humble soul, david allen coe, stiff little fingers, bad religion, blowfly, buck owens, Ill Mich, Hank III....the knitters, sappy john doe ballads, SUPERSUCKERS, cadillac tramps, lowrider oldies...on sunday night with art laboe, slayer, sade, peter tosh, sepultura, etta james, fishbone, the skatelites, the man in black, Hank senior, sublime, stanley jordan, Jason & the nashville scorchers, patsy cline, grinspoon, zeke, Distillers.....and just about anything else that can keep me interested for more than 5 seconds, oh yeah crystal that gives me goosebumps...
My favorite is probably The Outsiders (you know the part where the Soc is drowning Ponyboy Curtis in the fountain, and Johnny Boy stabs him....and the blood turns into the sky)....but I also love True Romance, The King of New York, Chopper "looks like Keithy's done himself a bit of a mischief.", Resevoir Dogs (obviously Mr. Blue was my favorite),Napoleon Dynamite, Killing Zoe, Blue Velvet, napoleon dynamite, the Princess Bride, Akira, Like Water for Chocolate, Beverly Hills Ninja, Dodge Ball...the audition, super bad (and knocked up)...and seasons 1 and 2 of dave chapelle's show.
32" Predicta Futura
Believe it or not, I love to read (a sheer escapism i love Steinbeck...but lets see, off the top of my head...william gibson, albert camus, the boy who sailed around the world alone, bukowski, tolkein, EDWARD BUNKER, Homer's odyssey (the iliad was kida slow)...that long milton poem, surfing and health-Dorian Paskowitz M.D., the DSM, the PDR, S and M 101, just about anything that involves a deserted tropical paradise, the gift of the magi (o'henry), Shantaram, the fountain head, i fell in love with dagney taggert, who is john gault, i'm begining to stagger under the onslaught of memories from books i've read and enjoyed! So i won't bore you much longer... i just can't finish without saying pablo neruda- I did not know what to say, my mouth had no way with names my eyes were blind, and something started in my soul, fever or forgotten wings, and I made my own way, deciphering that fire and I wrote the first faint line, faint, without substance, pure nonsense, pure wisdom of someone who knows nothing, and suddenly I saw the heavens unfastened and open, planets, palpitating planations, shadow perforated, riddled with arrows, fire and flowers, the winding night, the universe.And I, infinitesmal being, drunk with the great starry void, likeness, image of mystery, I felt myself a pure part of the abyss, I wheeled with the stars, my heart broke free on the open sky.
The Duke (and i dont mean john wayne)...pete peterson, JC, the Hot Curl pioneers Come ride the waves, the surf is high, and hear the song the surfers cry. Slide out on the shoulder and finish the ride, Your heart's on fire, your soul's filled with pride. Taste the salt, the stinging spray. Know the price a surfer must pay. -- Woody Brown , rabbit (and i dont mean barthelomew) , dale in peace brother, jock sutherland, uncle bob... the 10 year old kid that dropped-in on me at waimea today. and my brother Chris...