Surfing, Gym, Running, Reading, Juicing, Surfing again, Frisbee Golf (don't laugh till you tried it), etc
Just met son, my Sun.
Currently: Korn, Atmosphere, Dropkick Murphies, and always with the mixes.
Sin City, Fantastic 4, Underworld, Spidermans, Blades--basically anyuthing Marvel or vampire/werewolf in nature, Gift by Perry Farrel, heres a clip:
Heros, Supernatural, Black Donnelly's, Smallville, Dresden Files...are we seeing a pattern here.
Tons of fantasy, the Prophet, Shogun Series was good, Michener is good, too many...
Anyone that has risen out of the depths of adversity with a good attitude still intact. Much respect.And of course my Brother, who I carry with me in my heart every moment of everyday.