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PLEASE GET RAHSAAN PATTERSON'S NEW CD WINES & SPIRITS! THIS MAN NEVER CEASES TO AMAZE ME WITH HIS VOCAL GYMNASTICS! RAHSAAN'S SONGS ARE THE SOUNDTRACK OF MY LIFE EVERY TRIAL, TRIBULATION, TRIUMPH, TRANSITION, TRANSFORMATION--RP IS ALWAYS THERE. RAH & SUPA DEF DOPE PRODUCER & SONGWRITER JAMEY JAZ DISCUSS HOW THEY WROTE "CAN'T WE WAIT A MINUTE"- MY FUTURE WEDDING SONG. IT'S BEEN 10 YRS & I STILL LOVE THAT SONG:Such a handsome, talented, spiritual, sensitive, compassionate, caring, conflicted and troubled soul. He was killed by his father a day after my birthday and the day before his own. We thought it was a cruel April Fool's joke. Man, I miss you Marvin. .. ....
BILL COSBY IS ONE OF THE SWEETEST, FUNNIEST, WISEST BILLIONAIRES I'VE EVER MET--WAIT HE'S THE ONLY BILLIONAIRE I'VE EVER MET:I CAN'T WAIT TO SHAKE DICK GREGORY'S HAND ONE DAY:Bishop Liston Paige came to Second Ebenezer for Breakthrough 2007 and had the whole church hollerin & shoutin-even the first lady lost it that day:
I don't care what his daddy did, Donny Swaggert is a powerful preacher who speaks the truth about these pulpit pimps and the blind silly sheeple who follow them:
This Is Too Much Truth For Most People, Pastor Tony Smith, Senior Pastor of the Way Of God Church in Atlanta Georgia:Again Too Much Truth: Minister Louis Farrakhan
HERE ARE MY HEROES BESIDES MY MOM, DAD & GRANDPARENTS: People always say that Ali is the greatest of all time, but I beg to differ, no disrespect to Ali because he is a role model of mine as well, but I think that George Foereman is on the same level as ALI. Not only is Foreman one of the greatest boxers and businessmen of all time, he's also an awesome, anointed man of God. I admire Ali a lot, but I can relate to George Foreman more because of the similar paths our lives have taken:Oprah Gail Winfrey Need I Say More:Haters can say what they want, but Juanita Bynum is a strong woman whose familiar with the furnace of adversity who will emerge from it as pure gold like she always does: