Writing, especially poetry. I like fixing things, preferably mechanical things like cars, or electronic things like computers and guitars. From time to time, I dabble in acting, and recently, I have thrown myself into the extremely time-consuming, but rewarding, world of color photography. I love all of my old cars, Menolly, Zoe, Emily, and most recently, Luceille. I love my current car, Margaret a.k.a. Madge. I also love your mom.
i am looking for
a friend, lover, child, mother
with whom to share dreams
I am attracted to people with passion. In the past this has drawn me to people with histrionic personalities, but that is no longer what I want in my life. I am looking for friends that are fun, intelligent, and self-sufficient.In my dating life, I want a woman who can lift her end of a couch, but is still soft to the touch. I appreciate and desire honesty, though I am sometimes a hypocrite. I want mutual respect, desire, and intentions. I want to be missed when I am gone and wanted when I am not.
I'd like to meet Bea Arthur, Rachel Leigh Cook, Irv Gordon and his 1966 P-1800, J. Alfred Prufrock, Valerie Eliot, Vivien Haigh-Wood, The Rev, and your mom.
I'd also like to meat people Hu are good with homopohones, support gay marriage, are anti-abortion and pro-choice (it's not a contradiction), believe in the beauty and beacon of hope and honor this country should be and can once again be, enjoy scrabble and white wine in the park, will laugh at my jokes (just the funny ones), and know the proper meaning and application of the term "alibi."
Created with mySpace Profile Editor
Mixydes, featuring everything... well... almost. I'm not much on Country/ Western, Polka, rap, or gospel, but I'm pretty open minded... I think.
My most recent cds are:
14 July - Deftones "Saturday Night Wrist"
14 July - Deftones "B-Sides and Rarities CD/DVD"
"Saturday Night Wrist" feels to me like a return to the mid-land between "Around the Fur" and "White Pony." It retains the aggression of "Fur" while also maintaining the sonic sophistication of "White Pony." It's an excellent selection from this group, especially after the let-down of their eponymous fourth record. I am very pleased by this album, enjoying almost everything about it."B-Sides and Rarities" is a magnificent collection of tracks we've come to know and love, but only through the magic of P2P and friends. Since the release of this two-disc set, we're now able to listen to the wonderful covers, like "Sinatra," "Simple Kind of Man," "The Chauffeur," and "Ordinary Love," while enjoying alternative versions of songs like "Change," "Be Quiet and Drive," "Teenager," and "Digital Bath." The DVD features all of their music videos up to that point, which only adds to the beauty of the collection. The mastery of visual presentation provided by the band is consistent and dates back to their earliest releases, making this collection essential to any collection.
If "beer is proof god loves us and wants us to be happy," "Yellow" by Coldplay is proof god's pissed at us for something.
I'm a big fan of my (((XM))), especially Fred, Ethel, and Lucy. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of Fungus53 (the punk rock station) and The Verge (the 'new and emerging artists' station). I have realised I fucking hate the Sex Pistols' and X-Ray Specs' music, but I am in awe of their influence. Tim Armstrong's new song "Into Action" sucks my ass. Lars Frederickson's show, "Rancid Radio" is fucking amazing and is truly among the essential listening for any young punk, as the background he gives to every song he plays is wonderful. "Hee-Haw Hell" is also a truly wonderful show; sadly, I rarely get to catch it. Punk-a-billy is a beautiful genre. We need more of it.
I also listen to a shitload of NPR (WYPR and WAMU) on my drives to and from campus and while I'm at work. Diane Rehm, Mark Steiner, Talk of the Nation, Prarie Home Companion, Car Talk, and Jazz with Andy Beanstalk are all good things. I'm fucking salty when assfacedmotherfuckers interrupt my fucking news briefings, though. I almost stabbed the dude across the hall when he came in at 1601 yesterday.
My ex-girlfriend, Sarah, still has my Social Distortion "Live at the Roxy" CD and my Guns 'n' Roses "Greatest Hits" CD (and my Ms. Pac Man for SNES cartridge). If you see her, ask her if she's found them yet... it's been almost three years... and she just de-friended me on friendster. Word.
Support this kick-ass band
"Girl, Interrupted," "Better than Chocolate," "Edward Scissorhands," "Labyrinth," "The Princess Bride," "Alien" (all four, though the special editions/ directors' cuts are better than the studio releases), "Star Wars" (all 6... well, mostly just episodes 4, 5, & 6 because 1, 2, and 3 suck my taint), "Star Trek" (all 10), "Space Balls," "Memento," "Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle," "Shaun of the Dead," "Dummy," "Little Miss Sunshine," "Harold and Maude,"
and, of course, "Meanderthals"
The Science Channel, TLC, Discovery, History, Cartoon Network, TheN, Comedy Central, CNN, TechTV, GSN. "Family Guy," "Celebrity Poker Showdown," "Law and Order" (the original series, as well as SVU and CI), "Cowboy Bebop" (all 26 sessions), "Modern Marvels," "Understanding," "Iron Chef" (the original is WAAAAY better than ICA, but they're both enjoyable), "Mail Call," your mom, and the DVD logo when I am listening to a cd.
"Drawn Together" is the best show EVER in the entire history of television history, but "Boondocks" is a terribly close second with "The Sarah Silverman Program" nipping on Riley's heels.
"A Natural History of Rape: Biological Bases of Sexual Coercion", "Imzadi", "Naked Poetry", "Naked Lunch", "Girl, Interrupted", "Demian", "Bhagavad Gita", "Life, Concentrate", "Otis and Other Issues", "A Perfect 30", "A Lovely Treason," "Chris August Presents Five Fundamental Flaws and a Few Assorted Virtues," "A Modest Proposal," "Candide,"
and currently, in addition to my school work, I am slowly working my way through Roger Penrose's "The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe." This shit's thick (1200+ pages) and heavy (it starts at Plato and Euclid and takes us through Quantum Theory and M-Theory on to what we're going to be tackling in the decades to come). I highly recommend this, if you can stomache it.
My Mom, My Grandmom, My Self... oh, and YourMom.