Friday profile picture


"Raining death from above"

About Me

Today I am in: Praha, Czech Republic.--I like Trees. I cook Desserts, obsessively. I like people, and I hate people (I'm conflicted) I hate to be bored, but rarely am (I find myself endlessly entertaining). I wear pants, I eat food, and I have stuff, oh and I like to do stuff --And I am secretly (Telepathically) Stalking Hayao Miyazaki. But, I am not dangerous. --I used to be a teacher of children... Strange huh? --I am a chronic album kleptomaniac, right now, while you're looking over here, I am stealing your copy of "Marcy Playground" and "New Fast Automatic Daffodils" --My friends, all over the world, are my family --Love IS all you need --I wore a Goku mask to the party, but no one knew who I was --I am apparently a "nice guy", for all the grief it has caused me, but you'll get no such guarantee from me.
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My Interests

All the Sights Sounds Smells Tastes Thoughts Ideas Musings and Textures of life and wrapping my mind and life up in them, Love (every form), The minute pleasures of the day, remembering things, Being Needed, People, Long Nights, Appreciating The Mystery, Mysterianism, Hayao Miyazaki films, Cold Beer, Bourbon, Long walks on a short beach, and Having Existential Purpose

I'd like to meet:

You, if you can be you. You, if you can really see me (through all the me). You, if you need to or are supposed to meet me. People who know what, how to use, and enjoy ellipsis as much as I do. Oh and I'd like to meet Utah Phillips one day.*** Friends Rules: I am not a "Friend Collector". I will not add anyone I don't know in real-life, or a virtual/onine friend that I correspond with regularly (i.e. more than once every 6 weeks or so). So basically, if we are actually friends. Though I am open to making new friends anytime. ***

adopt your own virtual pet!


I Like Lizt to Liz Phair, I like Cesaria Evora to TelepopMusik, Coltrain to Ryan Adams, Gospel to Reverend Horton Heat, Leonard Cohen to Modest Mouse, I go just about every way on this one. I like discovering music too, rare, obscure stuff no one I know has heard. --I've been going to bed to Portishead "Dummy" this week and waking to Pixies "Surferosa"


The list is infinate... (I really Love films... A lot) This weeks Favorites: Dellamorte Dellamore (an Italian horror film), Casablanca, Intersate 60, Jan Svankmeyer's Alice in Wonderland, A Better Tomorrow, Dead Man, Sometimes a Great Notion..., Seven Samurai, Say Anything, and Johnny Depp doing his best Michael Jackson in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


Don't really watch TV... Ever. Unless it's in Japanese


Numbers in the Dark (Italo Calvino), Manuscript At Sargossa, Most Douglas Adams, Leonard Cohen, Temple of the Golden Pavillion (Yukio Mishima), Spring and Chaos (The Poetry of Kenji Miyazawa), The Little Prince, Dream Hunters (Neil Gaiman),Dune, Classic SciFi Books, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac (good toilet reading), The Big Book of Bunny Suicides, Solman Rushde Books, Books about art, Esoteric and philosophical literature. Bad&Good books, and Yes, Harry Potter (I admit it)! And Many Many More. I collect Children's Literature. I like to read... A lot.


I still want to be Spiderman when I grow up. But I dig Utah Phillips, My Grandfather, and People who help without reward. Oh, yeah and Uzumaki Naruto (he's too cool, with all that sense of self-worth stuff).

My Blog

Agahast and flabbergasted

Did you know that it’s COLD and snowy, in SWEDEN, IN WINTER? Shocker!                           *Yes, I know that many ...
Posted by Friday on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:47:00 PST

I was told to be careful what you pretend to be...

I was walking down the street on a rather fine and cheery day, on my wayfrom here to there, when I came across a man sitting on a rather lowwall, squinting in the sunlight.  What I noticed was th...
Posted by Friday on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:15:00 PST

Hallowed weenies and Coats of the finest spun London fog

So last night was Halloween (and yes I am blogging like I do normally, and pretending it hasn't been a turtle's age since I have blogged), and I am both happy and sad about that. I was a bit disappoin...
Posted by Friday on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 09:51:00 PST

A Long Time Coming and Lacking in Luster

Hey Howdy!..: So, it's been a while, and this will not be one of those fun, "Friday's going insane with boredom and his broken brain is leaking into the blog" kind of blogs.  This is more of a "F...
Posted by Friday on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 10:09:00 PST

Sever Weird Habit/Things about me

Continuing the game.... below are the rules...:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />  The first player of this "game" starts with the topic "seven weird habits/th...
Posted by Friday on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 09:48:00 PST

Observations of a moment (ironically a work in progress)

So I stood there, attempting to master an awkward pliet, on the edge, the frame of the bed, trying not to crush her side of the bed. Standing out over the roof through the skylight, surveying the city...
Posted by Friday on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:36:00 PST

A 10 sentence short story about 10 seconds in the key of S

So a sweetheart of mine, let's say she is called Sunshine, said to string together a story, comprised of a slight 10 sentences.  Since she is such a super special someone, I set out to do just su...
Posted by Friday on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:44:00 PST

Testing... Testing... is this thing still on?

Hi everybody... Sorry, my blog 1 year anniversary special never happened... September and October so far have been... well... crazy. Nose-bleed highs, dig-deep lows, and spinny-nausiated in the m...
Posted by Friday on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 06:06:00 PST

Official Birthday Blog

This is my official birthday blog. I missed the 1 year anniversary of my blog (Sept. 19). It was a long day here in Los Angeles.  I am a bit lost and confused, but it was all-in-all a pleasant da...
Posted by Friday on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 10:02:00 PST

Plagarism! Plagarism!

So, I want to rip you people off... I want to steal your thoughts and ideas!  Please help! In the recent series of stories I have been working on, I need a few ideas, and I am not above stealing ...
Posted by Friday on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 05:27:00 PST