Teel James profile picture

Teel James

Urban Swashbuckler and Storyteller

About Me

Most people know me as T.J. I'm a professional fight choreographer, actor stage combat teacher and film stuntman who’s appeared in over sixty films(Lord of the G-strings, the Bog Creatures, Dr. Horror’s House of Idiots, Airboss, Strikeforce etc.), hundreds of soap opera episodes, too many plays to name and over forty renaissance faires. I've also written for several dozen magazines including Fantasy Tales, Black Belt, BlazingAdventures, AfterburnSF,, Aces, Mad, and the Fantastic Worlds of E.R.B. My novels Death at Dragonthroat, Tales of a Warrior Priest, Knight Errant:Death and Life at the Faire (first mystery set at a renaissance festival) and The Dragon at Daemonhold (from ePress-..) are in print and Warrior Memories, a book of poetry is available at lulu.com/tjglenn.and the Serial Athe Adventures of the Granite Man is available in instllments from Virtualtales.com. I've also created the video series Secrets of the Swordmaster about the history and techniques of sword combat. Most important of all I'm the proud father of Aislin Rose, part time fairy Princess and full time cool kid... width="425" height="350" .. ..

My Interests

Old movies, particularly swashbucklers, history and old pulp adventure. Art of many ilks: comics, watercolourists... Horsemanship, archery, martial arts....

I'd like to meet:

Other people who embrace the lifestyle of the sword: Celtophiles, Odinists and other Heathens( like myself), writers groups and theatre groups who i can interact with.


Celtic and Tribal music (heather Alexander is an inspiration and a love) and--I admit it--Bag pipes--they just make me want to repel invaders....


Republic Serials, The Flynn classics, Great Escape, Prisoner of Zenda, Scaromouche, etc....


Old Tv shows, primarily: The Range Rider, Solders of Fortune, Lone Wolf, T.H.E. Cat, Walt disney's Zorro... and these days, the history Channel, western channel, Slueth.....


Edgar Rice Burroghs, Robert E.Howard, Robert B. Parker. Dashell Hammet, Lester Dent---anything by these guys....


The Lone Ranger (I really strive to be him), Daniel Boone ( a true world hero), Doc Savage ( Yep, i want to be him too), and the screen personas of Bruce Lee, Errol Flynn and John Wayne....

My Blog

Where the heck has TJ been...

Its been a while since I posted anyting because I've been busy as could be: three more books written and sold, one to ePress-Online and two to Whiskey Creek Press. That brings six to ePress, two to Wh...
Posted by Teel James on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 01:59:00 PST

a renaissance confession

Renaissance Man: My life as an Urban SwashbucklerBy Teel James GlenncCopyright 2006 by Teel James Glenn WithinWithin me lies the warrior,The Savage, killing ghostOf every Celtish ancestor,A fearsome s...
Posted by Teel James on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 03:25:00 PST

how I got to the way of the sword

This is a version of a note to a friend to tell how I got where I am:.I started with epee in a stage combat class(swashbuckling 101 was the title) to research a novel some 31 years ago and the second ...
Posted by Teel James on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 06:35:00 PST

I wish we still had monks to abuse...

a fruitless computer week--because of myh aol bowser it took 12 hours to creat this page--okay--got it figured and it was done.I got several short stories out and anovella submitted to an anthology on...
Posted by Teel James on Fri, 23 Jun 2006 08:12:00 PST


A welcome to new readers... Its approriate I begin this on father's day, as I find having become one was the pivotal moment in my life; it puts all in perspective in the world. When I cut the cord for...
Posted by Teel James on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 06:25:00 PST