Old movies, particularly swashbucklers, history and old pulp adventure. Art of many ilks: comics, watercolourists... Horsemanship, archery, martial arts....
Other people who embrace the lifestyle of the sword: Celtophiles, Odinists and other Heathens( like myself), writers groups and theatre groups who i can interact with.
Celtic and Tribal music (heather Alexander is an inspiration and a love) and--I admit it--Bag pipes--they just make me want to repel invaders....
Republic Serials, The Flynn classics, Great Escape, Prisoner of Zenda, Scaromouche, etc....
Old Tv shows, primarily: The Range Rider, Solders of Fortune, Lone Wolf, T.H.E. Cat, Walt disney's Zorro... and these days, the history Channel, western channel, Slueth.....
Edgar Rice Burroghs, Robert E.Howard, Robert B. Parker. Dashell Hammet, Lester Dent---anything by these guys....
The Lone Ranger (I really strive to be him), Daniel Boone ( a true world hero), Doc Savage ( Yep, i want to be him too), and the screen personas of Bruce Lee, Errol Flynn and John Wayne....