New Album : ANIMA - APRIL 2007 Anima - 2007
1. Sceptic
2. Being
3. The Inner Quest
4. Neptune's Revenge
5. Stormy Dome
6. World of Madness
7. End of Trauma
8. Heal My Pain
9. Questions
10. The Key
11. Black Materia
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Produced by: Spheric Universe Experience
Recorded and mixed by: Charles Massabo, France
Mastered by: Tommy Hansen at Jailhouse Studios, Denmark
Drums and bass recorded at: Coxinhell Studio, St-Aygulf, France, June/July 2006
Guitars, keyboards and vocals at: Kallaghan Studio, Vence, France, July/August 2006
Artwork by: Bjoern Goosses -
Design, logo and layout by: Claus Jensen -
Mental Torments - 2005
1. So Cold (6'08)
2. Now Or Never (7'04)
3. Burning Box Gala (6'21)
4. Saturated Brain (7'41)
5. Moonlight (6'02)
6. Halleygretto (2'41)
7. Mental Torments (15'28)
- pt.1 Solitude
- pt.2 Reminiscence
- pt.3 Losing Control
- pt.4 Inner Peace
8. Echoes Of The Stars (10'51)
9. Sidereal Revolution (bonus track - U.S.A)
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Produced by S.U.E.
Recorded by Luc Mahe, Studio Marilyn,
Cagnes sur mer, France.
Mixed and mastered by Tommy Hansen.
Artwork by Mattias Nor..n.
Layout by Claus Jensen
English Bio :
The early beginning of Spheric Universe Experience dates back to 1999, when guitarist Vince Benaim decided to create a progressive metal band together with his friends Sam (on drums) and John Drai (on bass). The band did some local gigs in and around the southern parts of France, going by the name of Gates of Delirium.
They knew that they limited their own repertoire by not incorportating vocals and keyboards, so by 2001 keyboardist Fred Colombo entered the band together with vocalist Alex. Now going by the band name of Amnesya, the guys did lots of liveshows and one demo CD.
In August 2002, the band split because of musical disagreements leaving Vince, John and Fred to continue under the name of Spheric Universe Experience.During the next 8 months their passion for composing led them to write a complete album, which they recorded at home as a demo in April 2003 with session vocalist Franck Garcia, who came in just a few days before the recordings began. The vocals were recorded in a professional studio, and although Franck didn't have much time with the band prior to recording it, the result is very convincing, which is why he now have joined the band fulltime.
The 2003 demo, "The Burning Box", was sent to Intromental Management in Denmark, who immediately fell in love with the bands sound, and decided to offer them a management-deal.With drummer Volodia Brice (Kitto, Frdric Lpe, Stphan Forte...), the band began recording the final album, "Mental Torments", in August 2003.The cover artwork has already been done by famous Swedish artist Mattias Norn ( Early 2004, Volodia Brice decided to give up with SUE for personal reasons. The band immediately started to search for a drummer. During spring 2004, Guillaume Morero became the new drummer of SUE.
The band has been playing for 8 months with this line up. However, at the end of year 2004, there is a new change on drums: Guillaume Morero is substituted by Nicolas "Ranko" Muller, who is already recognized as an excellent drummer with his band Artefact. His huge technical skills have actually caught the attention of the band. SUE is now ready to present his first album live ("Mental Torments" in USA - the album released on February 21st 2006 with "Nightmare records". This version include one exclusive bonus track for the American audience only)!.
The band had the great opportunity to play as opening band for world-famous rock band Scorpions in September 2005. S.U.E. also opened for the former Scorpions guitar-heroe Uli Jon Roth in Paris.
Now the french proggers are working on their second album that they'll start recording in May/June. This new album will be released late 2006.
Special thanx to everyone on "Myspace" who are supporting us , for all your nice words, and for giving us the will , the force & the energy to follow our dream :) Thank you very much !French Bio :La genese de Spheric Universe Experience remonte a 1999, lorsque le guitariste Vince Benaim decide de creer un groupe de metal progressif en s associant a deux amis de longue date, un batteur nomme Sam et le bassiste John Drai. Ensemble, sous le nom de Gates of Delirium, ils se produisent dans differents clubs du Sud de la France, leur region d origine. Cependant, la formule trio leur impose beaucoup trop de limites, et le recrutement d un clavier et d un chanteur devient vite une priorite afin que le groupe puisse enfin developper son propre repertoire. C est ainsi qu en 2001, ils sont rejoints par un denomme Alex au chant et Fred Colombo aux claviers. Optant pour le nom d Amnesya, le quintette donne beaucoup de concerts et enregistre une premire demo. Mais des divergences musicales troublent rapidement cette toute nouvelle association. En aout 2002, Vince, John et Fred decident de quitter Amnesya pour former Spheric Universe Experience.Pendant 8 mois, les trois musiciens mettent toute leur passion et leur energie dans l ecriture des chansons qu ils destinent a leur premier album. En avril 2003, ils enregistrent une demo pour laquelle ils font appel un chanteur de session necessaire pour completer les parties vocales. C est ainsi que Franck Garcia pose sa voix pour la premiere fois sur les compositions de Spheric... Contacte quelques jours seulement avant le debut de l enregistrement, le chanteur ne dispose que de tres peu de temps pour assimiler ce nouveau repertoire. Sa performance est cependant plus que convaincante, puisque Vince & co proposent a Franck de les rejoindre a plein temps . Desormais pare d un excellent chanteur, cette perle rare tant convoitee par les formations franaises qui souhaitent s exprimer en anglais, Spheric Universe Experience peut maintenant s attaquer au futur !Intitulee The Burning Box , la demo est envoyee plusieurs labels et agences de management dont Intromental au Danemark, qui tombe immediatement sous le charme du son de Spheric Universe Experience. Un contrat est rapidement signe, puis, en aout 2003, avec l aide de Brice Volodia, un batteur de studio, le groupe entame l enregistrement de Mental Torments , son premier album. Le mixage final se deroulera un an plus tard aux Jailhouse Studios sous la direction de Tommy Hansen (Helloween, Pretty Maids, Platitude...), peu de temps apres que Replica Records ait decide de signer le groupe pour le monde.Une telle oeuvre se devait d etre complete et illustree par un livret CD a la hauteur d une musique aussi ambitieuse, chose que l artiste suedois Mattias Noren ( a parfaitement su realiser a travers un artwork qui reflete magnifiquement les mille et une images que la decouverte des huit chapitres de Mental Torments va certainement projeter dans l esprit de ses auditeurs.Spheric Universe Experience a recemment ete rejoint par le batteur Nicolas Muller. Surnomme Ranko , ce veritable monstre (dixit ses nouveaux partenaires), vient completer le line up d un groupe qui n attendait plus que cela pour s atteler serieusement au lancement et a la promotion de son premier album (29/03/2005 en France).En septembre 2005, le groupe a eu la grande opportunite d ouvrir pour un geant du rock : Scorpions. S.U.E a aussi eu la chance de faire la premiere partie du celebre guitariste Uli Jon Roth a Paris .
Après plusieurs concerts et une nouvelle periode de composition en 2006, S.U.E revient en 2007 pour présenter son deuxieme album, "ANIMA" qui leur permet d'affirmer leur touche personnelle, celle d'un metal prog plus aggressif, heavy, melodique et atmosphérique, mais en sachant se détacher de leurs influences! Toujours à leur côté, le Label "Replica Records" est présent pour la France, mais grâce à ce nouvel et puissant album, les 5 Francais s'associent désormais au label "Sensory Records" pour le reste du monde. Le groupe est prêt a défendre efficacement "Anima" sur scène !
Remerciements particuliers a toutes les personnes qui nous encouragent sur "myspace" et soutiennent notre reve, merci beaucoup a tous !
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