FIRST OF ALL -- GO TO, TUNE IN AT YOUR PROGLEISURE, and put in some requests for your favorites!!!
I am Bill (Progman55) Mangold, broadcaster of some of the most intelligently created progressive rock and progressive metal music from very talented artists that come from all over world - at least in my opinion anyways! The music heard on PRM stream is truly "listening" music - you don't find this on your radio dial. I am a member of my son's band, Metro Society; which produced and published our first release in early 2007: "A Journey in Paris". I played guitar in my earlier years (still tinkers around with it) and have focused more on drumming. I'm not sure what this world would be without music. I'm just extremely happy to be an avid listener of the more modern prog rock/metal since the very early 1990's. My radio station is a tribute to ALL the great artists I have on the station and it clearly inspires me to continue pursuing Metro Society's next release. AGAIN -- GO TO and TUNE IN!!!!!!!!