Art, Photography, Blogger/Publisher, Abundance, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Green Living, the Beach, Music, Hot Rods, Hot Bikez, Camping, Movies, Collecting, Architecture, Vegetarian, Raw Food, Superfood, HOT SAUCE, HALAPINOS, Ty Food, Traveling, Space, Telescopes, Treehouzez, RACING...LOOK OUT!
ïòð ironman-x is a radioactive squirrel!!
Positive, Passionate People.
the transporter, matrix ( all three ), confidence, the saint, takeing care of buzinezz, the order, the game, a man apart, i spy, star wars , the piano, swordfish, pulp fiction, contact, men in black ( both ), vanishing point, femme fatal, The Mechanic, star wars, George of the Jungle, Amadeus, Mad Max, Mars Attacks, Dare Devil, spiderman, the secretery, the original, "shangrala", the piano, the game, clockwork orange, bad boy 2, rain man, forrest gump, Catch Me If You Can, Being John Malkovich, Face Off, Fifth Element, Powder, Point of No Return, Pay It Forward, Natural Born Killers, Silance of the Lamb, Minority Report, Mission Impossible, Risky Business, Time Bandits, CastAway, Casablanca, poodle springs, 48 hours, last samuri, gone in 60 seconds, Close Encounters of the Third kind, Beatle Juice, DUNE, american splender, monsters inc, Terminator 1, Terminator 2, Terminator 3, Animal House, finding nemo , brainstorm, Blast from the Past, True Romance, Apocalypse Now, Gandhi, Titanic, The Blues Brothers, Lord of The Rings , this boys life, let it ride, China Town, Movies with nicolas cage, nic nolty, woody alen, Christopher Walken, Adam Webber, any and all Bruce Lee Flick's...
Speed Channel
Hitchhikers Guide to the Universe, Upanishades, The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna, the Bhagavad Gita ( god talks with arguna ), The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East, The Life of Buddha, the writings of Paramahasa Yogananda, John Randolph Price, Wayne Dyer...
Paramahasa Yogananda, Buddha, Krishna, John Randolph Price, Wayne Dyer, Enstien, Echer, Gandie, Jim Kerry, Jackie Chan, Ali-G, Arnoald S, Eddie Izzard...
and me...
How to make a ironman-x
3 parts friendliness
1 part self-sufficiency
3 parts instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little cocktail umbrella and a dash of caring
Personality cocktail