Steph first got into music at the
age of four, plunking it out on the piano with fervor. She then went on to start
writing music in grade school, expanding to keyboards in junior high and then the
guitar in high school.
After taking some audio-engineering and sound-design
classes in college, Steph quickly learned the art of recording, arranging and
mixing audio. Steph then went on to expand her learning by spending four years
doing interviews and spending time in the studio with some of the top audio
producers, composers, mixers, sound designers and audio engineers in the world,
including Trent Reznor, Hans Zimmer, Alan Moulder, Butch Vig, Jack Dangers, Chris
Vrenna, Keith Hillebrandt, Richard Devine and others, whose tips and insights she
then took back to her own studio to better produce her own projects.
Read full Shacklegrind bio here.