love, non-violent communication, storytelling, intentional community,environmental justice, radical honesty, sexual freedom, organic food and products, veganism, fair trade, swimming and singing with my niece, canoodling, web-surfing for peace, Watsu, Thai massage, puppetry ...spirit, music and peace-filled gatherings
People involved in manifesting change in the world, especially in relationship to community building... dancers and story tellers.
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Enchanted April, The Dark Crystal, Water, Best in Show, Terms of Endearment (If it makes me cry and laugh in the same flick... then it's a winner)
I'm hooked on
Some Authors: Nancy Friday, M.Scott Peck, Gabriel Garcia Marquez,Margaret Atwood, Toni Morrison, Daniel Quinn, Richard Bach, Sark, Laura Numeroff, Jamie Lee Curtis
The kindness of strangers
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