Politics, Women, "Holistics" Tha Raiders, The Lakers, Pop-Culture, Movies, Music, People that think...
Halle Berry (she got sexier now that she's older), All the women in Tarantino's "Death Proof," Nelson Mandela, 2Pac, Marley, Jack Nicholson, MLK and Malcolm, Al Davis, and George W. Bush ("so I can poop on him!") ...
Marvin, Marley, Pac, Stevie, tha Godfather, George Clint, Johnny Cash, Billie Holiday, G-Shit(not G-Unit shit), and good shit that ain't techno.
Star Wars III-VI (I like the pre-quels too), Godfather 1-2, Pulp Fiction, Friday, City of God, Michael Moore stuff, Old Skool Pam Grier, Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Last House on the Left, Candyman, Bad Santa, Network, Scarface, Goodfellas, Gangs of NY, Rosewood, Menace II Society, and of course, The Mack. So far this year I go with Black Snake Moan, 300 and Grindhouse
Raiders Games from the 70's or the Bo Jackson years, 24(this year sucks though), Sopranos, South Park, Dexter. Weeds, Daily Show, Colbert Report, Old Skool Simpsons, X-Files, Millenium, NFL Sunday Ticket
The Illiad, Invisible Man, Easy Rawlings Mysteries, Autobiography of Malcolm X, Michael Eric Dyson's shit.
Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Pops, Mom, Jim Plunkett, Kenny Stabler and John Madden... and of course, Riley, Coop, Magic, Kareem, Big Game James, A.C., Orlando, Big Shaq, Kobe, and Horry...