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About Me

"Born Again". Voilà un disque qui porte bien son nom. En 2005, peu après la sortie de ‘‘Affliction, endocrine... vertigo’’, album résumant d'une manière assez éloquente trois années d'existence bouillonnante et de tâtonnements, les membres d'OVERMARS avaient annoncés leur désir d'enregistrer un disque sous forme d'un morceau fleuve de 30 ou 40 minutes. A cette époque, ils étaient loin d'imaginer qu'ils s'embarquaient dans une aventure aussi laborieuse qu'interminable. En soit, la notion de liberté de création est terrifiante : quand elle est (quasi) totale, le champs des possibles est aussi illimité qu'innombrables sont les occasions de se perdre. La liberté a son prix à payer : les erreurs, les fausses pistes, les égarements, les impasses. Mais elle sait aussi récompenser les plus courageux qui au bout du chemin ont finis par trouver matière à se recomposer.Deux ans plus tard, alors que plus personne n'attend vraiment ce morceau, "Born Again" atterrit entre nos oreilles blasées et surprend par sa capacité à "être du Overmars" tout en étant bien plus. Ce morceau est né dans la douleur. Pour s'enfoncer dans le cliché, on ajouterais volontiers que "ça s'entend" sur le disque. Peu importe que cela relève ou pas du fantasme, le fait est qu'OVERMARS simule très bien cette douleur.D'où nous vient cette sensation ? Peut-être des influences "Black Metal expérimental" jusque-là sous-jascentes et que le groupe se décide enfin à assumer ? Peut-être de la production de Nicolas Dick (Kill The Thrill) qui a su donner au son du groupe une authentique couleur "Indus contemporaine" ? Peut-être de la mixité des voix, des plaintes et des hurlements qui, telles les nombreuses couches de guitares, se superposent et s'entremêlent pour accoucher d'une texture sonore quasi... incommodante ? Peut-être."Born Again", donc. Une seconde naissance. Nous n'en demandions pas tant. Mais peut-être qu'à l'heure où les groupes "Post-Neurosisiens" (sans parler des pâles clones de Cult Of Luna) fleurissent par dizaine dans toutes les villes avec dix ans de retard, il était temps pour eux de prendre une décisive longueur d'avance.Fabien Thévenot
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My Interests


Member Since: 10/19/2004
Band Website: destroyalldreamers.org
Band Members: At this time : Antoine Arno Benjamin Marion Pierrick Tiphaine Xavier
Influences: Condense, Neurosis, The Cure, His Hero Is Gone, Breach, Knut, Swans, Godflesh and all J.K Broadrick's work, Sixteen Horsepower & Woven Hand, Catharsis, Integrity, Entombed, Klaus Schultz (70's), Pink Floyd, 5ive, Eyehategod, french noise from the 90's, black metal & many more
Sounds Like: Finally got to check out "born again." Simply incredible. rebirth of Swans!!! I absolutely love it. Perfect slab of music. The vocal attack is superb. You all did tremendous work. I can not wait until the actual release is available!! This will be my favorite release of the year. I don't think anything will top it.Great recording. The instrumentation is perfect: all the background detailing and texture, the builds and crashes. The tones are nice and warm.Marion's section at the front end of the track is amazing. It's a great, trance inducing section of music. Your heavy vocals that come after the long section Marion does are complete neanderthal! The vocal layers that follow the slow, pounding rhythm are feral, too.The ambient touches around 18 mins with the heart-beat like pulse is nice. Love the way the bass creeps in. Has the old Venom tone. The guitar interplay with the electronics during the long, methodical building process is spot on. The next vocal section is utterly downtrodden - perfect for the music which has sort of a Neurosis/souls at zero being dismantled feel.Around 26 mins there's the return of the neanderthal vocals! The music has a real elastic quality here with the slow drum count, the jangly guitars and the flopping bass string tone.Nothing but high praise from me on this song!!! Rennie Resmini - Starkweather Born Again sample 10.27.2007 - Geneva @ L'Usine
Record Label: Appease Me... / Bipolar Dictatorship
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Well, it won't be a battle but a good evening with bands with mutual appreciation. It will be at our beloved SONIC in Lyon and it will be the 11th of June. We'll play a very new set, including everyth...
Posted by OVERMARS on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:06:00 PST

ABRONZIUS’s looking for shows

ABRONZIUS, dark folk project run by Marion & Tiphaine, is playing tomorrow in Lyon (Sonic) with Carla Bozulich & Agathe Max. If you're in the area, don't miss it ! They're also looking for som...
Posted by OVERMARS on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:01:00 PST

New video - Lyon October 26th 2007

This is a sample of "Born Again". It was shot by Pierre Ulrich & Seb Radix, October 26th 2007 (Born Again release party), at Grrrnd Zero / Lyon, and mixed by Pierre Ulrich. overmars born aga...
Posted by OVERMARS on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:58:00 PST

Back from (mini)tour

We didn't tour more than a week-end since Spring 2006. So believe me it makes a long (but needed & necessary) time. So, as you may know, we were on the road the last few days, introducing live "Bo...
Posted by OVERMARS on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 10:49:00 PST

mp3 are not for sell

Some of you may have noticed that websites like www.mp3search.ru are selling mp3 of Overmars. Please don't be stupid and don't buy mp3. If you want mp3 of us, use soulseek or whatever p2p and download...
Posted by OVERMARS on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 02:22:00 PST

Get in the van... and see

Hi everybody. We just upload almost 400 pics from January 2004 to today (Get in the van... and see). Since 3 years and a half, we played almost everywhere in Europe (don't worry UK, we'll come soon), ...
Posted by OVERMARS on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 05:34:00 PST

Interview in Sugar Magazine

Well, it can seem weird because none of us is skateboarding but we've got an interview in the last issue of Sugar Magazine, 1st french skateboard magazine. Neurosis got one too, so read it (unless you...
Posted by OVERMARS on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 08:53:00 PST

New website

Our website is finally online after many months "under construction". Thanx to Seb for his great work (once again). Myspace is cool but we really give more importance to our website, so please, if you...
Posted by OVERMARS on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:31:00 PST

Pierrick vs. Llorah

Pierrick (our b-tuned guitarist), will play one song with our good friends of Llorah. It will be at "La Marquise" in Lyon 03. And it will be tomorrow. Be there !
Posted by OVERMARS on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 02:39:00 PST

Carla Bozulich vs. Marion Overmars

Marion will play with Carla Bozulich on Friday 29th at Sonic, Lyon - France.She won't play bass but keyboard. If you're in the area, be there. Swann Danger will play too. http://www.myspace.com/carlab...
Posted by OVERMARS on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 07:32:00 PST