I don't have time for many interests or hobbies.This season's poll...
This time around, there are some old and fresh faces who have alied themselves to my cause. Although those who were lost last year will never be forgotten, these people will most certainly be instrumental in determining whether or not I live or die...
Chloe O'Brian
Karen Hayes
Milo Pressman
Morris O'Brian
Curtis Manning
Bill Buchanan
Wayne Palmer
Sandra Palmer
Thomas Lennox
Nadia Yassir
Hamir Al-Assad
Audrey Heller Raines
James Heller
Aaron Pierce
...and my dad...
Like the CTU ringtone I have on my Treo 650? Want it for your own cellphone? Here's how to get it!Just click HERE and follow the instructions for How to order (worldwide) - 3 simple steps: !By the way, I'd like to extend my congratulations to Kiefer Sutherland for winning the 2005 SAG Award for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series! Some people say we look a lot alike...I don't see the resemblance...
If imitation is the greatest form of flattery...then I am very, very flattered. It seems a company in Japan that makes very realistic action figures has decided to create ones of ME! Hopefully, for all those action figure aficianadoes & collectors out there, they will be comming to the US soon...Me in the suit I wore while working for the Department of Justice...Me in a field ops tactical uniform...
And here's a special treat for all of you. I know you're all hungry to know what has transpired since the end of last season. Well...here's a peak at what went on...
There are those that, for whatever reason, wish to live vicariously through me...or even BE me. I don't know why anyone would want to live my life, but soon...you all can. A new video game is being released for the PLaystation 2, depicting events that have occured in the past involving myself and Chase that you may not know about. Check here for more intel.:
Though I haven't quite seen eye to eye with some of these people, and we may not have gotten along on the best of terms, I respect the sacrifices they have made for this country...
Ryan Chapelle...rest in peace.
George Mason...rest in peace.
...And a good friend...a true American...
President David Palmer. May he also rest in peace...
And my many dear, departed friends...
Tony Almeida...I wish you were here my friend. I could sure use your help on this one...
His lovely wife, Michelle...may she rest in peace...
And surprisingly...Edgar Stiles. Rest in Peace my friend...