Edgar Stiles profile picture

Edgar Stiles

Chloe, its Edgar Stiles...

About Me

Try the BEST MySpace Editor at MySpace Toolbox !Hi. My name is Edgar Stiles and I am a computer analyst at CTU: Los Angeles. I have been working there for over a year now and I really love my job. Last year I had a really rough day when I had to continue working during a spree of terror attacks, even after those terrorists had killed my mother. I am creditied with saving millions of people's lives after I was able to shut down 108 power plants before they had a melt down. I really like to wear flannel shirts and I also have a photographic memory.*A NOTE FROM THE CREATOR OF THIS PROFILE* - Im sorry to say but Edgar has unfortunately passed. This really hit me hard because I was absolutely in love with this character. I dont even know what to think right now and I can honestly say that I had tears in my eyes. Let us remember how great of a character Edgar was. He gave you that warm feeling inside everytime he talked because you knew how sincere he really was. R.I.P Edgar.

My Interests

Computers, reading, government, flannel shirts

I'd like to meet:

President Palmer, President Logan, and all of those terrorists that were involved with killing my mother.


I'm really into jazz and blues.


Shawshank Redemtion, Sum of All Fears, anything with Adam Sandler, the Notebook (hey, im a romantic)


24, CSI, Alias, Allstate Insurance Commercials


All the manuals for my computer


Jack Bauer, President Palmer, Al Borlin (the king of flannel), my mother.