Wolverine profile picture


I'm the best at what I do.

About Me

Real name: They call me Logan
Other aliases: Weapon X, Patch
Occupation: (current) Adventurer, member of the X-Men, (possible former) Samurai, (former) CIA operative, member of Canada's Weapon X program, leader of Alpha Flight, bartender on Madripoor
Place of birth: Unknown, presumably in Canada
Marital status: Single
Group affiliation: (current) X-Men, (former) Clan Yashida, the Weapon X Program, Alpha Flight
Height: 5'3
Weight: (without adamantium skeleton) 200 lbs., (with adamantium skeleton) 300 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Strength level: While Wolverine may be of an advanced age, he possesses the normal human strength of a man in his prime with his height and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. While possessing the adamantium skeleton, Wolverine's strength was increased to the human maximum, making him capable of lifting (pressing) 800 lbs.
Mutant features/abilities: Wolverine is a mutant with a number of enhancements to his physiology.
Abilities: Due to his extensive training as a CIA operative, a Samurai, and as a member of the Weapon X program, Wolverine is a master of multiple forms of martial arts, weapons, and vehicles. He is also a trained expert in computers, explosives, and assassination techniques.
Here's a link that Tenisha sent me:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody who loves Wolverine.