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Bëat in Zën is the unlikely meeting of dark and light.
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Born in 1998 of 2 musicians lost in a world where nothing is darkenough to support the brightness of the diamond . Released from its complexes, Beat in Zen music is like a trip, suchas Dante's to Hell.. Amazing encounters that leave a bitter taste.Primal and sensitive, the saving suffering expresses, helping us noto go beyond the limit of no return. Refusing the familiar structuresfor an experience of total freedom. The other Side of Biz'art is visual art. It's the immediate link withthe listeners. The numerical creations dispersed on the home pageillustrate the thought process of the duet, quietly, without comment.They prolong the music far beyond the senses.
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Here, 2 heads, totally separated at birth but now combined bychirurgical connection in this music experiment. They are one andindivisible, for the best in the worst.
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- Fifth Victory? : [2006]
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- OceanCaptive : [2004]
- Real Instinct Coïtus : [2001]
- Grito : [1999]
- Katacomba Kombat : [1998]
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An obscure experimental electronic album incorporating metal, acidand industrial influences with sound samples. It can be compared to ablend of KMFDM, Killing Joke, NIN and Marilyn Manson but with a soundnot close to theirs. The guitars are aggressive, the beat is raw andthe atmosphere is cold and hard, while the vocals are inhumanlyinsane. Bëat In Zën is a progressive revolution in electronic music
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Beat In Zen - Smoke it now
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BEAT IN ZEN Yell in silence Vs The perfume
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