*bold, colorich* PAINTING & drawing/ex-writing poetry *in Russian*/chasing CATS/UNIVERSE, yeah baby yeah!/EXPERIMENTING with lucid DREAMING and astral projection/staring at PENGUINS/playing LIFE/invisible perfection/FETISH/body MODIFICATIONS/morrowind/MACHINERY/GETTING fuukin pissed & LOUD/giggling/spanking/walking THROW walls/crashing INTO walls when "walking throw walls" not working/and DO not be bloody serious *yawing* oh fuck!!!/etc.
Soviet Union Propaganda Posters
ones who need to create to feel be alive, open minded freaky basdards and other pretty twisted cunts with horns and wings and a sense of bad humour..
and BANDS please piss off very cheers!! if i want some band in my friend's list i know how to use a search button...
aggro/harsh industrial/power electronics/noizzze/dark ambient/ambient noise/some80-90s wave stuff/cold meat industry/martial/neo:dark folk/world:especially native Indians war & spiritual chants/old school punk/cats meoooooooing/sounds of waves rolling on a beach:rain:trains:people screaming out of their heads through distortion/monotone repeated sounds/etc.
oh yeah!!! and penguins of 'caz, whatever sound those barstads make..))
documentaries on history/culture/science:especially covering different theories of Universe, M-Theory, quantum mechanics. origin of Life and evolution, etc../
futurama/star trek:voyager:the next generation/stargate SG-1
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oh, i luved the Soviet time television which had only three channels broadcasting from 8am till 11-12, The Agrarian Progress program was my favorite and this one, Forward to the Better Labour... oh, & The Rotten Face of The Capitalism of coz.. yeah right..:P
Gabriel Garcia Marquez/Jorge Luis Borges/Franz Kafka/Carlos Castaneda/Clifford Simak/Hermann Hesse/Arthur Conan Doyle/ Maria Remark/Alexander Grin/David Gemmell/Frederich S. Perls:In and Out of the Garbage Pail/Joseph Brodsky/V.Mayakowsky/M.Cwetaewa/U.Mamleew/Ilf and Petrov/etc.
of 'coz Bender Bending Rodriguez, who else?!!...;P
ah! Colonel Jack O'Neill...!
ps. yeap i'm well aware they both r fictional)