Chihuahua Dogs; wine, travel, literature, working out, gardening.
I'm always open to interesting music folks and people in the visual arts.
oriented toward song craft in all forms regardless of genre. Don't bore us, Doris, get to the chorus.
edgy, indie, evocative scores: Greg Araki, Kurasawa, Scorcese, Larry Clark.
Logo Network; vintage cartoons, "Ugly Betty" "Desperate Housewives," "Cops" -MTV, CMT, GAC and "American Idol." I usually agree with Simon....
I always aspired to write books, and am proud to be an author. Although my subect matter is much different, I've been inspired by Yukio Mishima, John Rechy, Jack Kerouac, Nick Tosches, Larry McMurtry, Kinky Friedman; poets: Fredrick Eckman, James Wright, Allen Ginsberg, Ron Johnson. My next door neighbors are Davis & Davis, visual artists who have a book called "Childish Things." Check 'em out at (they did my photos, too.)
I've been priviliged to interview many of them: Dr. Maya Angelou, Leonard Cohen, Holland, Dozier, Holland; Randy Newman, Elmer Bernstein, Laurence Rosenthal, Melissa Etheridge, Beth Nielsen Chapman, Jefffrey Steele, Mary J. Blige. etc/