Prison Area, sounds like an Australian soap opera gone wild, an opera filled with torment and menace. The band, a four piece have abandoned the traditional standard rock line up by jettisoning the drummer, apparently misplacing him at McDonald’s whilst under the influence of milk shakes laced with alcohol. This has inspired a mixture of programmed drum sounds and bleeps, a sound that connects perfectly with the songs "Prison Area" force upon you. The sound is difficult to define, however we will try: imagine Devo meets Simple Kid who is then expertly fondled by Lou Reed and you'll then start to get some idea of what this band are all about. Their ability to produce "in your face" songs, songs that thump you on the snout, pin your ears back and seduce you melodiously whilst suggesting a depth that most indie or rock bands try to achieve, is very pleasing indeed. A live experience that must be seen, enjoyed then sexualised, this is what Prison Area will come to mean to their followers, “I Am Your Grandmother†does this sound weird? It should do, now go see them!
-Keith Mullin (The Farm)