Hat Trick profile picture

Hat Trick

That's tricky...

About Me

2nd Soma show ever!

About Hat Trick...

Hat Trick IS a 3-piece DIY punk band from San Diego County who plays really fast punk that's pretty interesting too. Mike(guitar/vocals) and Dylan(bass/vocals) have been playing music together since 2001 and Jason(drums) has been involved since 2004. They are the best of friends in and out of the band and it shows when they're on stage. Their live performances are riddled with offensive jokes, sweet dancing, and some of the most energetic crowds in San Diego. They have been doing it themselves since the start and plan to stay un-watered down and only lightly influenced till the end. Most of the music is written in spare time mostly by Mike and by Dylan too. Jason mainly thinks up all of the drums for himself and also adds to the songwriting process and musical structure. Hat Trick has released a demo(2005), the Fat Rabbit EP(2006) and the Black Mamba EP(2006). Making their music affordable and easily shareable has always been an important idea that Hat Trick keeps in mind. Where some bands will sell their professional made shirts for $15, Hat Trick paints their own shirts and sells them for $5. Where some bands will spend $1000 on recording a CD and sell it for $10, Hat Trick has about $750 worth of recording gear and puts out new music whenever, and sells CDs for $5. Hat Trick is looking to reshape the way business is done in the music world. Help support local music and share Hat Trick with your friends.
Put this in your profile if you're passionate and like our music!
Put this in your profile if you think we're sweet or fast!
Hat Trick on PureVolume
More Pictures
These bands are way cool.

My Interests


Member Since: 12/4/2004
Band Website: fuck, im gettin there OK!?
Band Members:

Booking message us
email mike: trickgero@gmail.com

Otherwise, feel free to message us about how you felt about a show, what you think of our music, anything! If you have messages for individuals in the band, message them by clicking on their picture above.
Influences: NOFX
+ whatever else we're listenin to.
Sounds Like: "Do me a favor and never stop creating music... I don't know what I would have done without your music in my life these past few months. I look forward to a bright future with more of it." - Rachael Pence

"Sounds like a dirty language." -kid from art class
what the hell is that supposed to mean?

"It's like having a smoothie after 2 years..." -Jason Payne

But what does it really sound like? well just mix our influences together and then soak it in us and there. yea.

yea, we got shirts biznatch.
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to get email updates!
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Record Label: Fat Rabbit Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Dec. 15 pics

Here are the pics from the Dec. 15 show and some pics of the Vodka Dolls and the Carcinogenicshttp://www.flickr.com/gp/57816131@N00/Ee39wRtha nks Tanner for the picture takin and all!...
Posted by Hat Trick on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 01:29:00 PST


http://s5.photobucket.com/albums/y198/DudeMike247/Last%20Sho w/   go look at pictures from last night. and masturbate if you please....
Posted by Hat Trick on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 09:52:00 PST

Update: 1/17/06

Ok. Hat Trick update thing? sure lets do it. The new line up is me (mike) still at guitar and vocals, Jason still at drums, but Dylan at bass and vocals. We got a nice set list going and are getting r...
Posted by Hat Trick on Wed, 18 Jan 2006 10:37:00 PST

For the Fans

Fuck yea! we played a really fun show even though there could be more people but we really wanna thank everyone who came out and saw us and cemetery swingers and subversive uprising and arliss. it was...
Posted by Hat Trick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

holiday park and whatnot

Hey, just played the holiday park show. pretty kickin. Had a bunch of fun but people were mad at me cuz i cussed... it was funny... i remember gettin in a band to piss people off and have fun doin it....
Posted by Hat Trick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

CD DEMO!!!!!!!

Hey everyone. Mike here. I fuckin jammed my finger today and im super pissed but on the brighter side JANUARY 16!!!!!!!!!!! BEST FUCKIN DEMO EVER! it'll blow ya friggin mind. hahaha no seriously... we...
Posted by Hat Trick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


We are looking to play some shows with these bands... Muff who is a little hardcore/metal sounding, bloodshedaffair who is hardcore/screamo, and And I Watched You Die who is somewhat like bloodshedaff...
Posted by Hat Trick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


Hey everyone. This is Mike. I would say we got a new everything but it's more just me with a new everything. It's the first time having a completely fresh start besides the start of Geek Mafia. It's a...
Posted by Hat Trick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST