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People who just love life and really believe in " Power to the People." People who understand the true power of Hip-Hop. Those who are down with placing the power of Hip Hop back in the hands of the people. If you are sick of corporations using Hip Hop as a tool to dumb down the youth so they will not understand solidarity and revolutionize,come along for the movement....
B-boyin left NYC and found a new home in ASIA!!!! they kill it over there.. Here's an example. Respect Hip Hop or we will lose it !!!!!!!!!!!!
Faith SFX of Korean orgin/ killz it on stage......... The god Rahzel is his mentor!!!! ALL I HAVE TO SAY IS Asia is showin us how to get tht Paper and perserve the culture of Hip HOP without us having to sell the F&*K out !!!! DON"T SLEEP !!!!Rhymester in concert JAPAN, the roots of Hip Hop are still respected!!!!! Men lie / Women Lie but numbers never Lie (LOOK AT THE CROWD) ... ASIA THE NEW Frontier ...
George Orwell (Eric Blair) 1984 ......... second most dangerous book ever published you can guess the first...... judge for yourselfexcerpt from 1984.... first publication 1949AD... [In a world in which everyone worked short hours, had enough to eat,lived in a house,and possessed a motor car or even an airplane, the most obvious and perhaps the most important form of inequality would already have disappeared. If it once became general,wealth would confer no distinction....... in Practice such a society could not long remain stable. For if leisure and security were enjoyed by all alike, the great mass of human beings who are normally stupefied by poverty would become literate and think for themselves...............] this was written in 1949DAM ,MAKES YOU JUST WANT TO TAKE THE BLUE PILL
(Bureau of Justice Statistics as of June 30, 2003) look it up ya DAM self !!!!Black men in their 20s and 30s have the highest rates of imprisonment when broken down by race and age. 12.8% of black men between the ages of 25 and 29 were in jail or Prison.Among the more than 2 million prisoners, an estimated 577,300 were black men between 20 and 39..3.7% of Hispanic men between the age of 25 and 29 were in jail or prison...1.6% of white men between the ages of 25 and 29 were in jail or prison.68% of prison and jail prisoners were members of racial or ehtnic minority the thrid grade they already estimate if a black male will be in prison........... they build the jails based on this info.... Makes you wonder who's really ballin or runnin the streets..Africa is the continent with the highest death rate of AIDS. 70% of people with AIDS live there, 80% of AIDS orphans live there, and 90% of AIDS deaths occur there. It costs $0.55 to make one capsule to fight against AIDS in Brazil. Companies sell them for $6.10 each.40,000 hungry people die from starvation every day. That's one person every 3.6 seconds. 70% of them are children under five.