Talon-Rayeâ„¢ *Returned and Stripped of the Force* profile picture

Talon-Rayeâ„¢ *Returned and Stripped of the Force*


About Me

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My name is Talon-Raye, and I was born a peasant in the outskirts in the Corellia system. My father, Tobek-Raye was part of the reconstruction of the irrigation system on the desolate moon orbiting Corellia named Zorega VI. I grew up on the far side of Corellia, working in the local droid repair shop as an apprentice technician under a man named Zhorak Keg. Zhorak had been around more than my father. I barely saw him since I was a small boy, no older than 7. He was always away working hard, and trying to repair the seemingly helpless moon of Zorega. My mother was once a great Jedi Knight who fought on Bakura, pushing back the remnants of the Empire after the death of the Emperor. Her name was Kareena Sharn. She served as a Jedi Sentinel for the council which was a balance between all attributes of the force. I'll never forget when she showed me her lightsaber. The vibrant and radiant orange glow of the saber humming idly in the air, was like a serene portrait of the oceans on Manaan. I was only a small boy no older than 5 when she was killed. I was told that she fell on the arid ice world of Hoth, trying to uncover a secret plot by the Empire to invade Coruscant and the Jedi Temple. She served her duty, and was struck down by massive Empire forces. I still remember what she looks like.....beautiful, and strong. As I reached my pre-teen years, and was around 12, I heard news that Zorega VI fell into civil war, with citizens fighting over the resoration project, and the cost it was causing the civilians who inhabited the moon. My father almost escaped, if it hadn't been for his undying love for his work. I was told that he went back to his station to retrieve his data and blueprints, when on his way back to his shuttle, he took a blaster shot in the back by a relentless citizen. Zhorak Keg then took me under his wing, and told me something I wasn't aware of. He told me that he had once been touched by the force, and learned the ways of the Jedi, but never completed his training. He taught me how to unlock my gift my mother had given to me. The force had always been inside of me....I just never knew how to unlock its true essence and potential. He taught me the basic knowledge of the force. When I was 18, I flew away from Corellia, seeking more knowledge and guidance of the force. I then contacted my great friend Michael Vladius, who has been under the apprenticeship of the great Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. I had asked him if I could join him in his teachings, and he accepted me under his wing. However, before I begin my training with Master Luke and I depart for Coruscant, I have currently stopped on Dantooine to restock on supplies and food, and meditate in the remains of the old Jedi temple that once existed here, to see if I can find anything elusive in the force. I am now greatful to be under the teachings under one of the greatest influential Jedi Masters in existance. I now seek to fulfill my destiny, and learn all I can about the force.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !
.:.:.The Ultimate Force User's Personality Quiz.:.:.
Your Name Talon-Raye
Your Age 18
Your Home Planet Corellia
Your Lightsaber Color Red
Your Favorite Color Blue
Dream Vehicle Ebon Hawk
Jedi or Sith Jedi
Style II (Dooku) or Style IV (Anakin) Style IV
Double or Single Bladed Single Hilt
The Force: Choke or Heal Heal
Your Preferred Colors Blue and Red
To Love or Not to Love To Love...it can save lives.
When You Duel
Preferred Opponent Somebody who wishes to threaten my life...I always fight in my prime when my life is at stake.
Lightsaber Power or the Force Lightsaber Power
Any Gore, Blood, etc. Possibly
Kill Opponent? Only if they are too dangerous to be kept alive
Of Family and Love
Star Wars Mate None yet.
Children? None as of this time.
Use Force Choke on Spouse Never.
Cut off Son's arm? What kind of glass dick you smokin' from?
Torture Daughter with shocks and needles? I'd rather eat a box full of razor sharp knives.
Back to You...
Master Luke Skywalker
Dark or Light Light
Empire or Rebellion Rebellion
Coruscant or Mustafar Coruscant
Qui Gon Jinn or Darth Maul Qui Gon Jinn....Although Darth Maul still is to be respected.
You are a Saga Fan!You love the Star Wars saga from beginning to
end--the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker,
the corruption and redemption of the galaxy,
the carefully woven mythic themes... you make
no distinction among the various movies, and
consider it one, long, wonderful and amazing
What Kind Of Star Wars Fan Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

My interests reach out as far as podracing, and space travel. I recently finished the construction of my first lightsaber with the help of my friend Michael Vladius. I chose a strong focus emitter, and a fabricating pulse generating lens, and the color of my lightsaber is crimson, the same color as the great Jedi Master, Adi Gallia. I also finished repairing my phase pulse blaster rifle with 40 watt range. It now has a scope on the top, and can reach a distance of 100 meters. I am currently in the process of installing a hydrospanner on my ship, the "Torkon Spire". It's a pretty fast ship, and it gets around pretty well. I put on an advanced prototype hyperdrive motivator a couple of years back, and I am thinking about putting on turbo boosters to improve the flux drive, and overall speed.

I'd like to meet:

I studied all about the history of the Jedi Knights, dating back to one of the first fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd, and Exar Kun. I would of always liked to meet these fallen Jedi, and find out why they fell to the dark side of the force. What caused them to be deceived by a lie, and to undergo a quest for power. The force teaches you not these things. I would also like to meet Revan and Malak, and ask them the same question. Bastila was always a great admirer of mine, and I would have liked to be around to help out Anakin with his tough decision as to whether to stay loyal to the Jedi, or join the Sith. Anakin's destiny was probably one of the most tragic in the history of the Jedi. I would of like to be around to meet all of these Jedi Knights before they fell to the darkside, so I could enlighten them with the knowledge that could of saved them from the dark path, which so little have returned from.


The Star Wars Saga has proved to be a great journey for me to embark on my quest for knowledge of the force.


The only books I have read were the ones in the ancient archives on Corellia about the ancient Jedi Knights, and the history of the Republic, and the Empire.


My heroes have always been the great Jedi Master Luke Skywalker with his outstanding knowledge and courage to lead the New Republic, and his quest to save his father from the grasp of the dark side. I admire his courage and will for the redemption of his father back to the light side. I also admire Obi-Wan Kenobi for his amazing wisdom, and nobility. Yoda has always been one of my long time favorite Jedi Masters, for his stunning compasion for the force, and undying love for the force. Another Jedi Master who I have been reading about in the archives is the redemption of Revan. He fell to the dark side, but was only redeemed later on by Bastila, and her knowledge of the force, and her outstanding persuasive battle meditation. Revan was brought back to the light side, only to confront his master, Darth Malak, who had been his apprentice, and defeated him, and then being fully redeemed as a Jedi once more.

My Blog

The Training of Quinlan Vos

As Talon-Raye's star cruiser maintained it's present course in hyperspace set for an unknown location , he prepared to re-familarize Quinlan Vos in the ways of the force. Talon had arranged for a...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 09:54:00 PST

Stranded on Naboo

The escape pod that had jettisoned from the Leviathan had fallen down into the atmosphere of Naboo, and landed just south to the city of Theed, in a woodland area. As Talon-Raye, Atris, Malak, along w...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 09:55:00 PST

Talon's Rise to Knighthood and Fall into a Convergence of Evil

In his travels, In a prelude to the events of the present, Talon has seen the many evils that threaten the galaxy, including the manifestations with the dark side and the Sith. When Talon was still an...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 07:37:00 PST

The Resurrection of Jedi Master Atris...

*As Talon-Raye returned back to the devastated and ripped apart star system of Telos, He landed  next to a small enclove just south of the main council chambers....The enclove had been forbidden ...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 10:52:00 PST

Cybernetic Organisms...

*As Talon continued through his forgotten village, he passes by several people that he once knew in the past....He waved at them and smiled, as he continued on to his life long friend Zhorak-Keg's hou...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Sun, 04 Jun 2006 02:17:00 PST

Half Past Death.....

*As I reach the outpost of the village, I stagger my way into the medical sector of the town, and burst through the entrance like a brutally wounded bantha.....The nurse at the desk rushes to my ...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 11:47:00 PST

"Returning Home"

*The return home would be long and somewhat frustrating....Being that Talon had been severely wounded was now becoming the least of his worries....What he needed was a suitable transport to flee from ...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Tue, 30 May 2006 08:06:00 PST

Kareena Sharn: The Story and Final Moments of a Mother and Jedi Knight

*Talon-Raye was seemingly doomed from the time of his conception. His mother, Kareena Sharn, who was a Jedi Knight, was constantly traveling from one end of the galaxy to another on her assignments f...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Sun, 21 May 2006 11:17:00 PST

The Escape to Bespin.....

                              The Escape to Bespin   ...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Thu, 13 Apr 2006 10:29:00 PST

Dark Times on Korriban.....

            Dark Times on Korriban It is perhaps the most darkest time in the galaxy for the Jedi. With the recent invasion of the Jedi Academy on...
Posted by Talon-Raye" *Returned and Stripped of the Force* on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:22:00 PST