Darth Lucratis (The Jedi Slayer) profile picture

Darth Lucratis (The Jedi Slayer)

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello my fellow Sith, I am Sith Lord Darth Lucratis born on the planet Korriban to unknown parents and left to fend for myself sometime in the days after the destruction of the second Death Star. Learned the way of the Darkside through a Master who would not reveal his name to me. He was trained under the ways of Dark Lord Marka Ragnos’ teachings. My Master was murdered by the followers of the one who calls himself the New Dark Lord Darth Krayt. They robbed me of my right to destroy my Master and take his place. So I chose to enter Darth Krayt’s hidden fortress. I watched over this groups ways for several years to take my vengeance on this so called Dark Lord. I found out that Darth Krayt was once a Jedi Knight. I do not believe his followers know this, otherwise they might take his leadership. His numbers were to great to defeat on my own, so I decided to leave. This Dark Lord did not follow Darth Bane’s rule of two?? He had amassed several hundred Darksiders and Dark lords. I would need to find another way to destroy Darth Krayt. I found a temple where Lord Sidious kept devices, notes, books, and holocrons. I found out that a lot has been going on in the Galaxy that I had yet to explore. I took some of Lord Sidious’ belongings and a ship for which Lord Sidious had hidden. One of his books had information saying he had a cloning facility built on the planet Mustafar. I went to the planet to see if I could create an army to take back to Korriban to destroy Lord Krayt once and for all. When I got to the planet it was Hell!!! The planet was nothing more than a ball of lava. I found the hidden cloning facility and was surprised to see the cloning cylinders were all ready full of clones in stasis. I activated the cylinders to finish the maturation process. I was unsure how long this process would take so I left the planet to venture the Galaxy. I had found a Wife and spawned my own Sith Apprentice. I was separated from my Wife during the Yuuzahn Vong purge and took my Son back to Mustafar with me. I trained him in the ways of the Darkside and titled him Darth Xandor. I will keep training my son while we wait on the clones to finish cooking so to speak and then take my vengeance.One of the clones is different from the others…. This clone has longer hair and is much taller than the others as well…. This clone looks very familiar??? I guess I will have to wait until the clone is finished to find out who this clone was created from. We will soon see…..To find out more about this clone let me know it is a Story I am currently writing. And if you would like one of my Star Wars MySpace action figures let me know. Just check out my page to see more of them.Be well my Sith Brothers and Sisters……BackgroundCreated with mySpace Profile EditorFanBoys MySpace friend Movie Poster:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Welcome to my MySpace Friend slideshow If you have any Star Wars costume pics you want to add let me know and even add your own caption to the picture...I have so many pics now that I started a Second Slideshow:I would like to meet George Lucus, Harrison Ford, Mark Hammel, Carrie Fisher, or any of the Star Wars cast.South ParkSith TestSith Test
Is the Force with you? Your Result: Undercover sith lord

"Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to the dark side." Wow you most have had some serious scares as a kid... darth ____ are a completely evil lord who believes that with great powers should come great rewards. Go take over the universe. Play dirty!!!!

True Master Status
Bounty hunter
Council Member
Young Master
Imperial Army
Academy Trainee
Is the Force with you?What Type Form Do you use???
You scored as Form V: Shien. Form V is a powerful style developed by Form III practitioners that preferred a more offensive angle. The defensive nature of Form III dangerously prolonged combat. The maxim "peace through superior firepower," encompasses the philosophy of Form V, also called the "Way of the Krayt Dragon." Anakin and Luke Skywalker are both practitioners of Form V. Form V focuses a bit on having defensive skills, but channelling defence into offence. The example is commonly used that while Form III combatants effortlessly deflect laser bolts, Form V practitioners excel at redirecting the laser bolt toward the opponent.

Form V: Shien


Form IV: Ataru


Form VII: Juyo/ Vaapaad


Form II: Makashi


Form VI: Niman


Form III: Soresu

Which Lightsaber form would you use?
created with QuizFarm.comMySpace FriendsLegacy:

My Blog

Check out this video: The Dark Side Chats - episode 19

My Interview for the YouTube show "The Dark Side Chats" with host Darth Bruticus!!!!Check out this video: The Dark Side Chats - episode 19
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 14:09:00 GMT

Just a taste of the Story of Darth Lucratis

The Story of Darth LucratisHello my fellow Sith, I am Sith Lord Darth Lucratis born on the planet Korriban to unknown parents and left to fend for myself sometime in the days after the destruction of ...
Posted by on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 22:17:00 GMT

Star Wars: Fathers and Sons of the Force Chapter 1

Star Wars Fathers and Sons Of the Force... A Long Time Ago In A Galaxy Far, Far Away&&& It is a time to rebuild.  The changes to the galaxy will forever remind the New Republic that there w...
Posted by on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 21:26:00 GMT