At this time, my only interest is FINISHING SCHOOL and furthering in MINISTRY/KINGDOM WORK!
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I love Gospel Music! Yes Lord! I'm a choir girl. I love Youthful Praise, James Hall and Worship & Praise, Ricky Dillard and New G, Israel & New Breed, Hezekiah Walker, Tye Tribbett and GA, Keith Brooks & New Creation and MY BABIES - POWER GENERATION! (Shhhhhh!!!! secretly)---I'm a huge Michael Jackson fan, too!!! Well, we all need to be delivered from something, huh? LOL!
I don't really have a favorite movie but I enjoy 'sick' comedies (Dumb & Dumber) stuff like that, Love Jones, etc.
I watch a lot of The Word Network (TD Jakes, Jamal Harrison Bryant, Bishop Patterson, Apostle Ron Carpenter, Jr.etc); and other religious programs. I also enjoy game shows (I KILL in Jeopardy), The Young & the Restless, Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model
The Bible (always). "The Princess Within" by Serita Jakes
Of COURSE: My Lord and Savior, JESUS CHRIST!!! And two beautiful women who have gone on to be with the Lord - My Grandmother - Ann Wood (4/10/02) & Mrs. Roberta Cooper (3/25/06) - two TRUE soldiers who fought the good fight of faith! We shall be together again!