Angie profile picture


ACE!! Love has no boundaries, nationality or genders!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am always excepting applications to Angie-land, if your interested. As long as you have cotton candy.


Lots.. I have to give a shout out to Juke Joint Gamblers, they Rock! Neckties make me Nervous, Scott Gallegos, Matt Blodgett, Jeff Jordan, Caleb Coffey. I love these guys..


Amelie.., Top Secret, Super Troopers, Tommy boy, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Real Genius Nevending Story, The Last Unicorn (I can't help it I love it). Kung Pow, Zoolander, and all the Muppet Movies and Jim Henson is the MAN!!!!! I'm a small child at heart. Anything that makes me giggle and that is really not that hard to do. Oh yeah The Count OF Monte Cristo, man do I love that movie. BeerFest, Idiocracy, the list goes on and on... Oh and I can't Forget LOTR, StarWars and StarTrek.


Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn, The DaVinci Code, by Dan Brown. Really anything by Richard Brautigan but sinces hes dead I guess I have read most all of it. But I espeically The Abortion and Watermelon Sugar. The Sirens of Titan, and Man without a country,Slaughter House Five or Child Crusade and Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut. Neuromancer, Willam Gibson. This isn't a book but I love to read it, Archeology Magazine. Onyx and Crake, and A Handsmaid Tale by Margeret Atwood. Dress your family in Corduroy and Denim, by David Sedaris.


Back to Wonder Woman!!!! I'm obessed.

My Blog

Totally lost that love and feelin’ for making Cupcakes.

You would too if you had to make them for work all the time. I guess if it was my job I won't care so much. But its not I just get roped into making them for every going away, promotion,  really ...
Posted by Angie on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 12:13:00 PST

Good times...

So its weird How good things happen to all of a sudden... I'm movin' on up to the Westside. (sign to the turn of the Jefferson's its fun that way) Yes I'm movin' Down-town, Where the lights are brig...
Posted by Angie on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 07:03:00 PST

I'm so done!!!

So for some reason this is everyone should hate Angie Weekend!!! I'm so done!! I have done nothing but be nice to people and again it has blown up in my fuckin' face. So I'm done!!! So any boy that I ...
Posted by Angie on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 11:03:00 PST

It seems I have finally done it.

  In 2007  I  have turned into the biggest nerd. Not only have I been watching StarWars for the last four days, I have watched them all. ALL OF THEM. Even the ones that sucked real bad....
Posted by Angie on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 11:14:00 PST

The List.........

So here it goes I have been thinking alot about this past year... Rightfully so since its almost over. I have decided to let everyone into my little world and tell you my list of the past year. Here g...
Posted by Angie on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 02:45:00 PST

Its true..

Your Life is LikeBetter Off Dead...What John Cusack Movie Are You?Everyone that knows me, knows that my life is a romantic omedy. So when Katie Posted this is was perfect. I will explain my situation ...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 06:37:00 PST

avoiding life is fun..

Really it is. I swear... Ok this is my info-mmercial about it.Avoiding life can be fun.... And Angie's here to show us how... lets see... Not only can you watch hours of Lord of the Rings, the whole s...
Posted by Angie on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 09:55:00 PST

Diploma from a trade school.

Do I need to say anymore? Seriously..Are cap and gowns necessary? I had a headache and I think I'm getting sick. But all that matters is I graduated from a "College" with Honors. Right, isn't that...
Posted by Angie on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 10:45:00 PST

Kids These days...

So I am sitting in my room watching "Dodgeball" and the phone rings. Its past 9pm so I attempt to pick it up quickly to aviod waking anyone up. But I glance at the Caller ID and it ...
Posted by Angie on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 10:11:00 PST

Why I hate cell phones!

They cost to much, you can never actually hear people,  Caller ID (how am I supposed to be a stalker if you can tell I called), I lose them all the time, Phone calls in the middle of the night, a...
Posted by Angie on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 05:33:00 PST