Creating dynamic Album Covers/Art, press photos/packets, movie posters, promotional materials and documenting events for Musicians, Artists, Athletes, filmmakers, studios.Over the last 7 years I've been documenting many underground & mainstream acts like these for Connections Magazine , which is a locally based monthly music industry 'zine...but you can see my PORTFOLIO featuring international/national/local bands in concert on:orlando.metromix.comI am also a Lab Specialist at FULL SAIL, a college whose degree programs specifically focus on the entertainment industry. Whenever a class is shooting a film, my job as a still photographer on the set is to document the cast and crew throughout the production, which can lead to very long hours! I've been inspired by some of the best; Kerry Hayes, and Eric Lee from my good ole' Workshop days in Rockport, Maine. So with my images and some of the students', I then work with the them on creating dynamic press kits and movie posters. It's been a long road to get to this point and I love my new job there!Besides Music, photography, filmmaking, sculpture, paintings, mixed media, dancing, gymnastics, wakeboarding, snowboarding, volleyball and all kinds of other art, sports and activities, I enjoy learning more about psychology and all of Carl Jung's studies.
Positive, motivated, and open minded people who thrive on making this world a better place.
EVERYTHING! I'm always on the prowl to find new bands I believe in and to get them exposed. I love all kinds of music and much of my artistic photography is inspired by it. I miss printing my own images in darkrooms and shooting film, but since my career as a concert photographer has gotten progressively more demanding, I went digital 6 years ago with a Nikon D1H. Currently, I have upgraded to the Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II and never thought it would be possible to fall in love with a piece of technology until now.
Directors: Tim Burton/Terry Gilliam/Cameron Crowe...especially Singles/Stanley Kubrick. Favorite films: Flatliners/Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (reminds me too much of Rockport College and driving X-Country to LA)/Monty Python (search for the holy grail) Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill 1&2/Fight Club/Trainspotting/Wonder Boys/Dead Poets Society/Before Sunset/Silence of The Lambs/The Cell/Event Horizon/Seven/Me, Myself & Irene/There's Something About Mary/Dumb and Dumber/Big Lebowski/etc... I'm looking foward to seeing anything that will ever be directed by Matt Mahurin, Anton Corbjin, Floria Sigismondi, Michel Gondry, Mark Pellington, Stephan Sednoaoui, Dean Karr, Kevin Kerslake or Josh Taft and would love to be their still photographer on the set!
I'm obsessed with The Weather Channel 24/7...sometimes FUEL network & INHD. I'm a former MXC, & Aqua Teen Hunger Force fan. UFC blows my mind. I've gotten suckered into the Sopranos. Other than that, I try to catch what I can on Fuse, MTV2 or whatever channels are actually playing actual music videos at the time...just to see who's directing.
I think that everyone would benefit from reading Man and His Symbols by Carl Jung.
Uncle Jeff because I'll never forget the day he told me "that there is better music out there than what's on the radio." Jeff Ament. Tool. Uncle David Lyman. Uncle David Spero. Henry Diltz. Linda McCartney. Of course my Mom and Dad. My brother Keith. My other brother Trev, because he reminds me of what I was like 11 years ago and how life is never as bad as you think it is.