Moongirl; Luna Felan profile picture

Moongirl; Luna Felan

Moongirl will make love only in total darkness. She believes that her life has been forever diminish

About Me

"Moongirl will make love only in total darkness. She believes that her life has been forever dimished by passion in the light, when she was younger.
Consequently, The faintest glow around a lowered window shade will burn away all of her desire.
A Single thread of sunshine in the folds of drawn draperies will in an instant unravel her lust.
Light intruding from another room--under a door, around a crack in a jamb, through a keyhole--will pierce her as if it is a needle and cause her to flinch from her lover's touch.
When her blood is hot, even the light-emitting numerals of a bedside clock will chill her.
The luminous face of a wristwatch, the tiny bulb on a smoke detector, the radiant eyes of a cat can wring a cry of frustration from her and squeeze her libido dry...." ~Dean Koonts The Darkest Evening Of The Year
I am everything, I am nothing; I am a slave, I am a mistress; I am every fantasy you have come to life; I am a dream and when you awake I will no longer be seen; I am a lover; I am a fighter; I am stone cold yet I can become hotter than fire if it pleases you; I am the foundation my friends stand on; I am the river that washes their pain away; I am the wind that dries their tears; I am the fire that lights their way; I am the truth on your lips; I am the lie in your eyes; I am what I am which is everything I can ever hope to be; I am here to be enjoyed...but rarely ever truly seen. ~Luna Felan
As You Look Into My Eyes I Can See Into The Very Depths Of You, But Do Not Worry For There Is Much Beauty There. ~Luna Felan
"Do Not Turn Your Back On Those You Love No Matter How Scared You May Be To Love Them; For You May Turn Back Around To Find They Are No Longer Behind You Waiting." ~Luna Felan~
"All A Girl Ever Really Needs In Life Is A Firm Suspension, Tight Jeans, And A Washed Out Dirt Road." ~Luna Felan Age 16~
"Wishing Is nothing but a waste of breath on deaf ears."~Luna Felan
So yeah I am an aspiring writer-I guess I could say that I am a freak at heart and in practice, I am there for people even the ones that are seldom there for me....and Other than that you will just have to ask...
"I fly in a fury with myself because every other form of heroism is forbidden to me. I love things that are absurd, useless, impossible, frantic, excessive, and intense, because they provoke me, because I feel them like thorns in my flesh." ~Emile Verhaere~
"Live as if you are dieing tomorrow, Learn as though you are living forever."-Unknown
"A Beautiful Smile For All To See, A Perfect Mask A Perfect Me, Through All Of This My Spirit Had Died, I Stood So Tall Yet Wept Inside, So Drowning In Sorrow, Fear and Lies, Shadowed In Darkness With Bleeding Eyes, My Breaking Heart Could Take No More, With Every Step My Soul Had Tore, Yet I Wear My Mask For You All To See, A Perfect Person A Perfect Me..." ~Unknown
"As I Stare Ever So Carefully The Darkness Stares Right Back At Me, The Heartless World Clings To Fake Ideas I No Longer Make, My World Was Shredded, Torn Apart, As My World So Was My Heart, I Lost Feeling And Became So Numb, Blissfully Ignorant Of What Is To Come, The Smile On My Face Is Forced By Me, Sorry To Tell You I Want To Be Free, Like A Shadow In The Night Invisible To All, I Want Nothing There When I Finally Fall." ~Unknown
"Her hand gently beckons she whispers your name but those who go with her are never the same." ~Swampwalk Magic The Gathering Card Game~
Luna Felan By Jamie Thatcher
"I’m a masochist, I like pain I’m a masochist, that’s my way I’m a masochist, yeah I’m insane I’m a masochist, NO PAIN NO GAME Cutting; tearing me, piercing me Scraping; slashing me, gashing me Pricking; stabbing me, branding me Slaughter; burning me, hurting me I’m a masochist, I like pain I’m a masochist, that’s my way I’m a masochist, yeah I’m insane I’m a masochist, NO PAIN NO GAME I love it; the sweet sight, of my blood I lust it; the hurt and all the fun I want it; the sensation of pain I need it; each day I need it I’m a masochist, I like pain I’m a masochist, that’s my way I’m a masochist, yeah I’m insane I’m a masochist, NO PAIN NO GAME I like to; do all, the good things I love to; to cut me and stab me I’m etching; I’m scratching,, my tough skin I’m bleeding, I’m bleeding I’m a masochist, I like pain I’m a masochist, that’s my way I’m a masochist, yeah I’m insane I’m a masochist, NO PAIN NO GAME I’m a masochist!"~Brooke Mackenzie
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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Which Tarot Card Are You?
You are the Moon card. Entering the Moon we enter the intuitive and psychic realms. This is the stuff dreams are made on. And like dreams the imagery we find here may inspire us or torment us. Understanding the moon requires looking within. Our own bodily rhythms are echoed in this luminary that circles the earth every month and reflects the sun in its progress. Listening to those rhythms may produce visions and lead you towards insight. The Moon is a force that has legends attached to it. It carries with it both romance and insanity. Moonlight reveals itself as an illusion and it is only those willing to work with the force of dreams that are able to withstand this reflective light. Image from: Stevee Postman.
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You have an awesome imagination, and often put it to use for sexual purposes. You are very romantic and don’t hook-up with random people very often. Because sex to you is about showing your love, you are incredibly romantic in bed, and very giving. You tend be in a serious relationship more often then not. Sex matches: Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

I don't have enough space to list everything I like and like to do without makeing this space increasingly long so here are a few things I do or I like or I want to do...Spinning My Rifle, Playing Drums, Screwing Around With My Guitars (Bass and Acustic), Playing Pool, Dancing, Poi (fire spinning), Firewalking, Skateing, Traveling, Listening to music, Writing, Photography, History, Martial Arts, Judo, Yoga, Art, Jet Skiing, Intertubing, Piloting Planes, Cars, Motorcycles, Tattoos, Piercings I personally have my Nipples, Ears, and Lip Pierced, and Dungeons and Dragons.

I'd like to meet:

People who can be honest with themselves and with me preferably someone with the same types of interests as me who have a mind of their own and know how to use it.

"Never Say I Love You If You Really Don't Care, Never Talk About Feelings If They Aren't Really There, Never Hold My Hand If You Are Gonna Break My Heart, Never Say You Are Going To If You Don't Plan To Start, Never Look Into My Eyes If All You Do Is Lie, Never Say Hi When You Really Mean Goodbye, If You Really Mean Forever Then Say You Will Try, Never Say Forever Because Forever Makes Me Cry." ~Unknown

Tokoshi Martial Arts Motto: "Respect those who are respectable, Honor those who are honorable, Tolerate those who are neither respectable nor honorable, and at no time should I ask someone to Tolerate me."~Sensai Tom Manson


I like pretty much all music. I listen to rap, country, metal, rock, dance, alternative, classical, oldies, and seldomly jazz to list a few. My favorite radio stations here in town are Pirate 95.9 and 99.7 Jack FM.

Shinedown .45

From LYRICS MODE .COM lyrics archive Song lyrics | I Kissed A Girl lyrics

"An angel runs Thru the sudden light Thru the room A ghost precedes us A shadow follows us And each time we stop We fall" ~Jim Morrison The Doors

"The greatest single cause of Atheism in the world today Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle. That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable." DC Talk~What if I stumble...

"People Fear Death Even More Than Pain. It's Strange That They Fear Death. Life Hurts A Lot More Than Death. At The Point Of Death, The Pain Is Over. Yeah, I Guess It Is A Friend." ~Jim Morrison


I like mostly Horror/Suspense thriller movies, or action flicks. I am not really into the gory stuff, and there is nothing like a good Comedy. A couple of my favorite movies are Queen of the Damned, Basic Instinct, Interview with the Vampire, 1408, My best friend is a Vampire, Alvin and The Chipmunks, and Van Wilder.


I don't really watch much TV because of my work schedule vs. sleep schedule but when I do have a chance to watch tv I like to watch things like Moonlight, Heroes, Ghost Hunters, Ghost Whisperer, Medium, Nascar and Football.


Science fiction, Mind Buster Mysteries/Forensics Books, Fantacy, and Mystical all the way, I love Terry Goodkind, Anne Rice, Stephen King, Patricia Cornwell, Jean M. Auel, Lyndsay Sands, and Dean Koontz.
I have finished reading the Watchers, Demon Seed, Sole Survivor, Strangers, Darkfall, the Taking, Velocity, Whispers, Shattered, Odd Thomas, Life Expectancy, Strange Highways, Twighlight Eyes, Mr. Murder, The Good Guy, The Husband, The Darkest evening Of The Year, Visions, The Hideaway, From The Corner Of His Eye and Dragon Tears by Dean Koontz.
I have also read The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty trilogy by Anne Rice, Psychic Self-Defence by Dione Fortune, Many Lives Many Masters by Brian Weiss,The Witch's Sheild By Christopher Penczak, Portrait of a Killer Jack The Ripper Case Closed, Predator, At Risk, And Book Of The Dead by Patricia Cornwell, Everything's Eventual a series of 14 dark tales by Stephen King, Through The Eyes Of a Dragon by Stephen King, The Sword Of Truth Series by Terry Goodkind (A 12 Book Series), A Bite to Remember, A Quick Bite, and Tall Dark and Hungry By Lyndsay Sands, I have also read The Clan Of The Cave Bear, The Valley Of Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, The Plains Of Passage, The Shelter Of Stone by Jean M. Auel, The Laughing Corpse by Laurell K. Hamilton, Eragon and the 2nd book Eldest by Christopher Paolini, Medicine Woman, Flight Of The Seventh Moon, And Jaguar Woman by Lynn V. Andrews, and The Way of The Wyrd by Brian Bates.
I am currently reading One Door Away From heaven, Seize The Night, and Dark Rivers Of The Heart by Dean Koontz.


I don't really have a hero anymore, I strongly believe at this point that the only hero I can have is myself. I believe this because I am the only one that can make the choice to save myself and accomplish the task. Everyone else in my life is very important to me but as it is I can only save myself and though I may try to help them I cannot save any of them...Only they can do that for themselves.

My Blog

The Reason People Cry When They Pack To Move.

So I have been living in my house for 11 years minus 1 and a half years that I lived with my b/f when I was 17. I have always seen friends move and helped them move; Like my sister for instance a...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 08:01:00 PST

Irish Car Bombs, UFC Champs, And So Much More.

So yeah been a while since I did a life update... so here we go. I met some new people and became great friends with them their names are Dennis, Dannielle (HOT) LOL, Roy, Mike and last but not least ...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 08:26:00 PST

What kind of Muscle Car are You? (pics)

What kind of Muscle Car are You? (pics)1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28You are a 1968 Chevrolet Camaro Z28. You love your car....your friends love your car and thats whats most important to you! Your car rea...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 08:34:00 PST

Jager + Tequilla = One Bad Ass Shot!

So after working practically non-stop for way too long I finally went out last night and tonight and hung out with some friends I have not seen in what feels like forever. Last night I spent the night...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 10:56:00 PST

Learning To Drive A Standard WHOOT

So this has been an adventure..I have driven mortorcycles which if you drive you know the clutch is on your left handle the excelerator is on your right handlebar and you shift gears with your ri...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 06:21:00 PST

When Did I Get So Popular?? @_@

Man I have been running around ragged since the weekend of my birthday maybe even before that Lets see the weekend of my birthday I went to 3 parties 1 was a concert that some friends from work were p...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 09:34:00 PST

The Mothers Song Long But Too Good Not To Share....

This is something called "The Mother's Song" as written by Jean M. Auel and taken from the book The Shelters Of Stone from the Earth's Children Series, also known as "The Clan Of The Cavebear" Series ...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 05:41:00 PST

What my birthday and year say about me since it’s comeing up and all :-)

 I got this quiz from 28 February 1985 Your date of conception was on or about 7 June 1984 which was a Thursday. You were born on a Thursdayunder the astrological sign Pis...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 09:56:00 PST

A Hot Stone Massage And A Wax Plz

So letsee my Valentines day was spent partially in the bathroom bowing down to the Porcelin god because of whatever ickiness sprung up on me 3 days ago out of no where and the other par...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 11:30:00 PST

Ready, Willing, And Able

So here it is people 2008 are you ready for it?I know I am I have been working again doing Security for a place I love to work at called CVS Distribution Center in Vero Beach, I am contracted to them ...
Posted by Moongirl; Luna Felan on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 07:10:00 PST