Id like to meet everyone once-but realisticly that is never gonna happen so... crazy people ,freaky people, nice people, articulate people, rebel peeps, studious peeps, un educated peeps, daredevil people,scaredy-cat people,party people,hermit like people,care free peeps, peeps with issues(!)foreign people,local people,aliens,ghosts,animals,robots living dead errrrrrrrespecially people who are interested in or involved in or associated with MUSIC INDUSTRY!!! come chat to me...i dont bite(Well...actually...)
FALLEN ANGELZ!!! I appreciate all music-cant get enough!
VAN WILDERS PARTY LIASON-MUST SEE FILM!!!!go watch now!!!!!'comedys are perfect no brainer entertainment' SCENT OF A WOMAN-amzing film for all ages buy this film Back to the future!-its all about the flux Teen Wolf- Karate kid Rocky American pie chick flicks are great too! And horror films the more gore the better-go see SAW!
FAllen angelz on tv coming soon!I love E4 for abit of trashy entertainment! I love discovery channel for geeky docs ANy forensic programme gets me hooked BBC's dog borstal-aww bless those badly behavioured doggysMusic channels
the only books i get to read nowadays are instruction manuals-yes sad i know but true! Or training books-you can never know everything but YOU CAN TRY!!!! I am currently reading a set of books called harmony is fun!-I like autobiographies- i prefer fiction in films and reality in books!