honeynie profile picture


About Me

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Create Your Own! I bELieve thaT I am a good frienD. Im JoLLY/ FUNNY or cheerfuL. Im frieNdly..Im realistic, sEnsible, & down 2 earth. I Love & am cOncErned witH enjoYing Life anD exPeriEncing things all things to the fuLlest.Often artiStic, I noTice tHe beAuty in evErything aroUnd me aNd enJoy spenDing my freE tiMe on mY hoBbies.I am oPen miNded. Im SWEET kind oF GuRL.(-_+)I am thoughtful according 2my friends.hehe.I am Emotional too. I often cry at night, turn off lights. I called it "TOTAL DARKNESS".& thEn listening iNto a sereNe music. I Love 2 LeARn abOut my personality & To geT 2 know myself, uNderstand mySelf&know other people & unDerstand other people. I do pray (=.I'm stiLL sinGLe. A lot of peoPLe ask me why coZ it's uNusual. Well, I'm nOt in a hurRy 2 have one. I enjoy my life & am really conTented w/it. I don't waNt 2 enter in2 a relatioNship just fOr the sake of having a boyfriend. I'm not looking for love. I'll just let it happen if it will happen if theres a chance. Singles Rock! "I intend to stay single unless I find someone who will add more happiness to my already happy life." I'm enjoying Life but I still know my LIMITS(= A stRong pErson yet I am also wEak.Idealistic person,I LyK challenges.I haV gained throuGh personaL expeRience.I am a Good obsErver & eNjoy working wid real things,aLwayS ready and eager 2 gEt invoLved w/ Fun or physical acTivities, espEcially those out oF doors or mORe on ThriLLs & exciTement. I LoVe 2 rediscover thiNgs, I love 2 expLore my worLd of curiousity, Love to awaken my self. I'm FonD oF WatCHing n Da STARRY staRRy Skies"mga biTuin Sa Langit"hehe pati ung alang ningning. I'm devoted 2 exploring inner, Internal LIfeI believe in magic.....
MySpace Layouts........

My Interests

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Stuff for your blog!

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I'd like to meet:

I want to meet my Old friends, childhood friends, Relatives..and new friends who are nice & have a sense of humor... Hindi yung BoRRRIIINNggGGG!!!!!!!! Siyempre... I don't want to meet: Conceited and Malicious people.. ADD ME UP...... [email protected] [email protected]

Stuff for your blog!

Stuff for your blog!

Stuff for your blog!


just hear my music above..


I'mRomy & Michelle High School Runion, "Clueless", "Grease", "Sex & the City", Thelma& Louise", Now and then", Sugar & Spice", Bruce Almighty", Duplex, Naked weapon, "the Rules", Sweet Home Alabama", Legally Blonde", Say It Isn't So, Spiderman, Hope Floats,Jerry Mcguirre and Unfaithful Wife. The prince & me


I'mMTv, Myx, &Fashion shows.I americas next Top Model.


I'm.......All MediciBooks, The I.Q. Challenger!,How high is your I.Q.?, How to get control of your time&your life.ASTROLOGY BOOKS.How to build your will power,The rules of attraction,By Brett Easton,How to work smarter,not harder,The 25th hour. Vogue Magazines,Elle Magazines& etc.


I'mI'm still waiting for mah Hero

My Blog

not my kids..

hahaha.. funny...
Posted by honeynie on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 12:39:00 PST