All my Life i've live through a single code,
and the code is simple...
Honour My God, Love Myself, and defend my ASS!!
MySpace Layouts
God, Peter PAn, and u..yah u!
By Cassie
RnB, Rap HipHop, Punk ROck and Alternatives..
hmmm Wedding Singer, Clueless, I am Sam, Kingdom of Heavens, Troy, So Close, Honey, Shrek 2, White Chicks..haha!, Along came Polly, Longest Yard, 50 First Dates, and the list keeps on and on..
Amazing Race,Queer Eye (hehe..),JKX,SNL (haha!),Simple Life(That's Hot!),Oprah,The Simpsons,Punked,Mtv Pimp My Ride,Dark Angel.. ANything worth to watch!
Do i look like a freaking smaRt ASs to u??!
GOD, bin Laden and SAdam Hussein.. and the producer of the Simpsons.. (come on they're ol good)