ROBBY profile picture



About Me

I am a son, an uncle, a singer, songwriter, a brother and a friend......The Stage Is Second To My Home.....I Love to Laugh and (Yeah) cry...(sometimes).....God, My Heavenly Father, Prayers, Fridays and Sundays, precious sweet moments with my family, lazy summer afternoons,the festive Christmas season,,lights and christmas lights,My Birthday Season(haha),Coffee and Tea,Cartoons on TeeVee,Books and comic books, poetry and sensible music,,drawings,sketches, beautiful things and colors, movie time and my own quiet space and time (wherever, and whenever i find it),,rainbows, the moon and the stars,,most specialy the stars... All of these...Help Me Keep My Sanity

My Interests

I Collect Audio CD's, Comic Books, Concert CD's, And VIDEO Games,,mostly RPG's (of my Interest)

I'd like to meet:

Mga Idol Ko at si Bob Ong


From Ballads To Alternative Rock, Standards to the not so standard, Classical to the New Ones, Name It, Love em all, as long as it would make sense to me, But, yeah my most Favorite would have to be Neo Soul And R&B. Recently, I'm Listening to India Arie's Testimony : Vol. 1, Life And Relationship, Gavin deGraws Chariot oh and yeah, Julianne's Grateful CD. "Try em"


LordOfTheRings Trilogy, The Cell, Forrest Gump, Finding Forrester, Good Will Hunting, One True Thing, Patch Adams, Mr. Holland's Opus, With Honors, What Dreams May Come, Never Ending Story, The Final Cut, Minority Report, City of Angels, A beautiful Mind, Cinderella Man, I am Legend, Stardust, The Secret Garden, Legend, Matrix Trilogy, X-men trilogy, Oceans eleven and twelve, A.I., A leauge of their own, The Little Rascals, Sister Act 2, Home alone 1&2, The Lost Boys, Death Becomes Her, Lady In The Water, The Village, Kill Bill, Sin City, The Sixth Sense, Aliens 1to3, Signs, Beetlejuice, Edward scissorhands, The eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, Blade trilogy, Queen of the damned, Bruce almighty, Liar liar, Charlie and the chocolate factory, Dead Poets Society, Finding Nemo, The Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Girl Interrupted, green Street Hooligans. Harry Potter 1 to 5, Toy story 1& 2, I am Sam, King Kong (2005), Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Resident Evil 1to3 and a lot more


Heroes, Ghost Whisperer, That 70's Show, Desperate Housewives, House, Supernatural,24, Scrubs, Frasier, Premium Blend, The Simpsons, Friends, Cartoon Netwroks: Ben Ten,Teen Titans,Life and times of Juniper Lee, Foster's Home for Imaginary friends, Dexter's lab, Johnny Bravo, Powerpuffgirls, robot boy, samurai jack Nickelodeons:Invader Zim, hey Arnold,Spongebob,Disney, NGC, MTV, VH1


The Secret Garden, the Last Unicorn, For One More Day...mga Obra ni Bob Ong

My Blog


   1 CORINTHIANS 13 1If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 2If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all ...
Posted by ROBBY on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:26:00 PST


An old Cherokee tale tells of a grandfather teaching life principles to his grandson.  The wise old Cherokee said, "Son, on the inside of every person a battle is raging between two wolves. One...
Posted by ROBBY on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 07:34:00 PST


"Ah, great it is to believe the dream as we stand in youth by the starry stream; but a greater thing is to fight life through and say at the end, the dream is true!" -Edwin Markham ...
Posted by ROBBY on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 08:14:00 PST


There will always be critics and naysayers in life. It's not what's said about you that affects your life, but what you say and believe about yourself. Has the opinions of other people caused you to w...
Posted by ROBBY on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 05:59:00 PST


PANALO..ASTIG, How You'll Love, Hate And Then Love Being A Filipino
Posted by ROBBY on Mon, 29 Oct 2007 02:58:00 PST


God grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time; enjoying one moment at a time; accepting ...
Posted by ROBBY on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 12:03:00 PST


Ang kabuhayang hindi ginugugol sa isang dakila at banal na kadahilanan ay kahoy na walang lilim, kung di man damong makamandag. Ang gawang magaling na nagbubuhat sa pagpipita sa sarili, at hindi sa t...
Posted by ROBBY on Sun, 07 Oct 2007 01:38:00 PST


As we grow old, there will always, in one way or the other, that one certain situation or incident in our lives where someone will betray our trust which will hurt us "big time". (in my...
Posted by ROBBY on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 02:40:00 PST

Stainless Longganisa

Eto naman, Kanina ko lang napagdiskitahan. Unang araw na di ko na kasama ang dati kong mga ka-banda, kaya sa bahay lang, at walang magawa. Ayaw ko naman lumabas at maglakwatsa, sigurado naman akong ...
Posted by ROBBY on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:05:00 PST

The Five People You Meet In Heaven

Been hearing people and friends actually telling me that this book is good. Finally had the chance to read it the other day. Maganda nga ...
Posted by ROBBY on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:04:00 PST