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Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish

good design turns me on!

About Me

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Welcome! "Stronger than I was yesterday!"
6'2, 180lbs, hawaiian, japanese, caucasian (hapa) graphic designer - passionate artist trying to use my talents, sugoi tomodatchi (awesome friend), ocean of generosity, le'ale'a (FUN!), kdrama lover, anime freak, scorpio, volleyball fanatic, sharp judge of character.
Creative Mastermind [ DARYL FUJIWARA ]
[ twenty4 ]
[ Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii ]
Comments type message here!
Innovative Communication Fusing creative with practical, you can reach your goals through good design - SMYTHE FUJIWARA DESIGN.
Competing in todays market takes more than a
great company or quality product. Building a
presence that is appealing to the senses is
essential. Good design is the answer.
I am dedicated to the quality of my work and
the satisfaction of my clients. No task is too
big or to small. I'm up to any challenge,
I am a problem solver!
- Advertising -
- Identity/Branding -
- Collateral/Print Design -
- Signage -
- Environmental Design -
- Events & Promotions -
Contact Me 1774 Lower Main St. Ste. 11
Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii 96793
[e][email protected]
Currently Bumpin to:

My Interests

volleyball,design, makeup, photography, friends, partyin, anything really* i'm pretty cultural and open to anything... i want to see everything there is to see, and taste everything there is to taste... i love food!

I'd like to meet:

Calm and grounded people with great personalities, who like to party and have fun, but at the same time know when to turn it off and get cracking at whatever tasks at hand. balanced, yeah!? I hate lame-ohs, people who are just floating around on this planet taking up air, i like people who are goal oriented and focused, productive, creative... when you surround yourself with positive influences, you in turn become a positive influence as well.
daryl-licious - comments made easy


....Awesome kdrama song! yay!......
This song means so much to me... and the video is so cute* i love kingdom of hearts... i hope they make a movie out of it... if they havent already*


MIRRORMASK - by jim henson


my sassy girl, everybody has secrets, legend of zu, anything with subtitles, umm mulan, to wong foo...thanks for everything julie newmar* and just about anything* except for scary movies, my favorite is love kine! yay! korean dramas, indie movies, bollywood, mysteries, and fairytales, the works! anything but scary movies* i hate em* they scare me lol*


Korean Dramas - GoOng, autumn in my heart, winter sonata, first love of a royal prince, stairway to heaven, summer scent, pheonix, ASAP(TFC), ANIME! or whatever i'm in the mood for* but im usually on my computer, wasting away...


my teacher taught me that in order for you to enjoy reading you should read about something that interest you and ill read anything about sex... go figure! but currently i'm reading three books, two by thich nhat hanh and a graphic design book...


Sailormoon! lol and as of last night [july 29] at the k-1 fights...YUSUKE FUJIMOTO: Japan / Monster Factory / KarateCompetitive Eater of the World - Takeru Kobayashi

My Blog

good design turns me on...

On May 20, 2007 7:49 PM - One of my friends left me a comment in reply to my headline asking -"how does good design turn dee on? ^_^!" - and this is how I replied...How does design turn deE on... I do...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Tue, 22 May 2007 12:08:00 PST

e ala e!

My dearest brother in Kali, whose going "tru it", in his saddness found light today in the form of a motivational story called the awakening. Life is suffering and to add to that were fighting to find...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Thu, 17 May 2007 02:54:00 PST

Eight Verses for Transforming the Mind

The 14th Dalai Lama, for many people and now me, has changed my life. Each day I feel myself learning more and more about the universe surrounding us as I reflect on everything that has unfolded from ...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 02:04:00 PST

Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk

Okey everyone its time to pull your wallets out of your pockets in the name of a good cause. This weekend, Saturday April 28, 2007, my friends and I are participating in the MS Walk at Keopulani Park....
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 09:03:00 PST

Ka Holu Nape O Ka Lau O Ka Niu

Since having joined the Lahaina Hawaiian Civic Club I've come to learn so much about Lahaina but our culture. One being the beauty of the Hawaiian Holoku. (As depicted below) Give it I'm promoting rig...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 07:34:00 PST

He Aloha... PUEOpata

I'm so excited about my friends newest music album to be released 2/27/07. You can PREVIEW or PRE-ORDER your copy now at the link below. (Click on the photo!)...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 07:36:00 PST

Are you Beyond Graphic?

so its a new year right? what better time to scrap everything and really start new and fresh... but while conjuring the this new direction ive been faced with so many questions like who am i (as a bu...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:22:00 PST

The Secret

Blah I wrote this thing already and it didnt go through, strange... but yeah here I go again...So the other night Lance invited me to watch a movie with him, and it happened to be this movie called "T...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 05:59:00 PST


    Saturday - May 13, 2006 - my friends and I did a spiritual journey today and after giving ho'okupu at piilani hale, i got to hiuwai in a very secluded blow hole off the shore line o...
Posted by Sunshine Sparkle DeE-lish on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 05:41:00 PST