I'm a drummer, composer, arranger and producer. I've been playing music for 20 years. I am self-taught. I was born in Nimes (south of France) and moved to Paris where I've been living since 1996.
I play with several bands and projects whom I've released albums with:
THE MOST , " the most expensive band in the world" (2000/2good distribution)
COLLECTIF SLANG - album "slanguistique" & "Addict"(2003 -2007 chief-inspector records / Abeille)
SOULREACTIVE - album "saltsound" (chief-inspector records/2003 Abeille);
TEKNIC OLD SKOOL ( 2007 Sush Prod)
SPONTANE album "God is dead in good luck city" (2005 dad records / Differ Ant)
LIMOUSINE (2006 chief-inspector / Abeille)
LUCY DIXON album (2007 Crystal Records/ Abeille)
Recording project:
LIPS* recording session finished, now we mix, etc.., release schedule for 2008
SILEX recording album, now we mix, post prod etc.., release schedule for 2008
New LIMOUSINE's Album on recording, more info soon..
Any questions, booking, etc please click HERE !
Akninganing :
Je suis batteur, compositeur, arrangeur, producteur. Je joue depuis environ 20 ans. Je suis autodidacte . J'évolue dans divers groupes, tels que :
THE MOST , " the most expensive band in the world" (2000/2good distribution)
COLLECTIF SLANG - album "slanguistique" & "Addict"(2003 -2007 chief-inspector records / Abeille)
SOULREACTIVE - album "saltsound" (chief-inspector records/2003 Abeille)
TEKNIC OLD SKOOL ( 2007 Sush Prod)
SPONTANE album "God is dead in good luck city"(2005 dad records / Differ Ant)
LIMOUSINE (2006 chief-inspector / Abeille)
LUCY DIXON album (2007 Crystal Records/ Abeille)
Recording project: LIPS* seesion d'enregistrement terminée, actuellement en mix, etc.., sortie prévue pour 2008
SILEX recording album, actuellement on mix, post prod etc.., sortie prévue pour 2008
Nouvel album de LIMOUSINE en préparation, plus d'infos bientôt...
Si vous avez des questions, si vous désirez me contacter, me laisser un message, n'hésitez pas à cliquer ICI !
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With Mike Ladd, BluRum13, M. Sayid & Tahity Boy
with Silex - improvisation
envoyé par canterburyscene