I am General Martok, Klingon warrior who rose through the ranks to become Gowron's right-hand man and eventually replace him as Chancellor of the High Council.
In 2372 I commanded the empire's defense forces during a massive invasion on Cardassia, brought about by suspicions that the Cardassian Detapa Council was under the control of Dominion shapeshifters. Then led the attack from my flagship, the Negh'Var, but the mission was thwarted when the Cardassian council was rescued by Captain Sisko of Deep Space 9. I subsequently turned my attack onto the Federation-controlled station, but Gowron decided to end the battle and return home over my objections.
It was not realized that sometime before 2373, I was captured by the Dominion while hunting sabre bear on Kang's Summit and replaced by a Shapeshifter. The imposter wielded influence upon Gowron, urging him to war with the Federation over the Archanis IV dispute, but was also poised to take over when the Founders tried to bring about the assassination of Gowron. However, the imposter was exposed and killed at Ty'Gokor. Meanwhile, I was being held by the Jem'Hadar at Dominion Internment Camp 371 in the Gamma Quadrant, being forced to fight Jem'Hadar in hand-to-hand combat, which caused the loss of my left eye. I then escaped in 2373 along with Worf, Dr. Bashir and Garak, and returning to the Alpha Quadrant, and made commander of the Klingon forces on Deep Space 9.
Later that year I assumed command of the bird-of-prey Rotarran under orders to search for the missing battle cruiser I.K.S. B'Moth. Finding myself with a crew demoralized by a series of punishing losses at the hands of the Jem'Hadar. Although they were badly in need of a victory, I proceeded cautiously, so much so that Worf believed me to be paralyzed by fear of the Jem'Hadar and challenged me for control in a death match. I defeated Worf and my ship subsequently defeated an enemy vessel and rescued the 35 survivors of the B'Moth. Being very grateful for Worf's inspiration, I made him a member of the House of Martok. Later I granted the same honor to Worf's son, Alexander Rozhenko.
My wife Sirella carried the title of Mistress of the House of Martok and therefore had to approve of Worf's bride, Jadzia Dax, before they could get married. Sirella and I have a number of children together.
I appointed Worf as first officer on a dangerous mission to Monac IV in early 2375 so that Worf could earn entry into Sto-Vo-Kor for his Jadzia, who had recently died. But don't mistake me to be weak for I had Kaybok of the I.K.S. M'Char executed in 2372 for disobeying orders.
On Stardate 51247.5 I was promoted to supreme commander of the Ninth Fleet, stationed at Deep Space 9 to defend the strategically critical Bajor Sector against Dominion and Cardassian aggression. I commanded the Klingon wing of the allied Alpha Quadrant fleet that successfully captured the Chin'toka System from Dominion control in 2374. My battlefield acumen was critical in several victories by the Alpha Quadrant powers. Unfortunately, the resulting accolades caused Chancellor Gowron to fear that I may soon become a political rival for leadership of the High Council.
In 2375 Gowron seized direct command of the Klingon military and ordered me to undertake a series of foolhardy combat engagements, resulting in terrible losses among Klingon forces. I was blamed for these costly defeats, but refused to question Gowron, even though I knew that Gowron had intended the missions to undermine my image. It was Worf who challenged Gowron and subsequently killed him. By all rights Worf was entitled to assume leadership of the High Council, but he declined and instead he honorably handed the title of Chancellor to me.
I continued to command Klingon forces in the Allied invasion on Cardassia that resulted in the surrender of the Dominion. Seeing the devastation inflicted upon the Cardassian people in the war's aftermath, my comrades Admiral Ross and Captain Sisko refused to partake in a victory toast of bloodwine, but I had no problem downing the drink by myself. I later collaborated with Admiral Ross to offer Worf the position of Federation Ambassador to Qo'noS. Worf accepted, which delighted me because now I have someone to go targ hunting with.