Comedy's Cameron Lyle profile picture

Comedy's Cameron Lyle

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Poet… lover… warrior… Cameron Lyle is all of these things and more. Born in Long Beach, California, Cameron is the oldest – and consequently most wrinkled – of the improv troupe called the Oxford Street Regulars. Wise beyond his years, Cameron considers himself to be the emotional heart of the group. Everyone else pretty much just thinks he’s weird. Cameron is also one of the founding members of Laughing Stock Development (LSD for short), an Improv troupe that operates out of Long Beach, CA. He likes them very much. In the early 1980’s, Cameron and his family moved to Australia in order to solve once-and-for-all the mystery of the platypus. A little like a mammal, a little like a marsupial and a little like a lot of other things, the platypus would mock the categorical sciences no more…. But what Cameron uncovered was a secret so shocking and terrible that, two years later, he burned his notebook and returned to the United States – never to speak of his experiences again. Cameron’s life continued on in a mild-mannered way, making friends and going to college, until one fateful day during a visit to an aquarium he was bitten on the foot by a radioactive barracuda. Given barracuda powers – including the ability to swim and eat fish – Cameron vowed to fight crime, or at least pretend to. When Cameron isn’t being funny, he looks after Special Needs children – mostly for the money and to impress women, but also, occasionally, because he fails to suck. MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

..Comedy, Improv, Movies, Literature, Culture Jamming, Sex, Drugs, Rock-and-roll, Consciousness, Love, MST3K, Cheesy Movies


House of Leaves, Cryptonomicon, The Perks of Being A Wallflower, Storming Heaven, Ghost Story, It, American Gods, 100 Years of Solitude, The Call of Cthulhu, Of Mice and Men, Good Omens, The Great and Secret Show, Fucolt's Pendulum, Farenheit 451, Something Wicked Thisway Comes


My tribe, my troupe, Hunter S., Mark Z. Danielewski. Oh, and Godzilla.

My Blog

L.S.D. Season One Premier!

If I know you... if I *used* to know you... if I *might* have known you in a past life in a weird "Sylvia Brown" or "Dead-Again-murder-plot" sort of way... you MUST come to this show. I am excited. It...
Posted by Comedy's Cameron Lyle on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 02:14:00 PST

Shmimprov and I: A Memoir

As some of you know, I belong to several comedy Improv troupes, and last Friday one of them (L.S.D., or Laughing Stock Development) had a comedy 'battle' with another troupe called Improv Shmimpr...
Posted by Comedy's Cameron Lyle on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 11:12:00 PST


Wow. What a good weekend for me. I saw VAST in concert on Friday (they were surprisingly good live), and on Saturday I heard Mark Z. Danielewski read from his new book, 'Only Revolutions,' and got to ...
Posted by Comedy's Cameron Lyle on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 10:49:00 PST