Hitman Mike...? profile picture

Hitman Mike...?

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an actor in Los Angeles... and there are no shortage of those! Don't hold it against me. It's been a busy year so far, but I still have a ways to go before I can quit the second job, the one that pays the bills most of the time.
My website is:
Latest "Blog" Movie Reviews:
The Incredible Hulk, Get Smart and The Happening. (Updated 6/22/08)
MichaelBeardsley.com last updated: 6/6/08
My Halloween Costume - Alex from Clockwork Orange

Who am I beyond the fact that I'm an actor... as is nearly everyone in Los Angeles (not exactly an exclusive club). Don't misunderstand and think I'm some egomaniacal actor... that is one conclusion my website can give, but the correct reason for its vastness is that I needed something to keep me busy at the time in my life that I made it. And I am proud of it... and there are still times I need something to pour my creative energy into.
I joined MySpace because a friend asked me to, and I think it's kinda fun to check in on now and then. Sense I DID NOT join MySpace to find dates, I'm happy to say I've written this profile without the pretext of trying to impress anyone, or to avoid turning someone off. As the great philosopher Popeye said, "I yam what I yam."
I most definatly have a bit of dark side, I like to stay up very late, I can be a bit socially awkward at times, am very aware of myself and what's going on in my own head (and around me as well), a bit quirkey, probably too honest and straight forward, and definatly unique... I guess I'll leave the rest to the following survay... taken back in December 2005. (I'm going to re-take it soon... maybe).

Name: Michael
Birthday: March 5th
Birthplace: Santa Cruz, California
Current Location: Los Angeles, California
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 155 lbs
Right Handed or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: American. White Boy.
The Shoes You Wore Today: Black, like my heart
Your Weakness: I'm my own worst enemy (and I am a cunning foe)
Your Fears: Needles
Your Perfect Pizza: A pizza of the mind.
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Be cast in at least one good movie role.
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: ... (I use the three dots a lot)
Thoughts First Waking Up: "I'm still alive...?"
Your Best Physical Feature: You tell me.
Your Bedtime: I try to be in bed by 6:00... AM (I sometimes fail)
Your Most Missed Memory: I forget
Pepsi or Coke: Neither
MacDonalds or Burger King: Never
Single or Group Dates: Multiple women is good (in theory)
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Nah, Nah
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: I decline
Do you Smoke: Nope
Do you Swear: Hell no... oh wait... I guess so.
Do you Sing: Hell no... well, not good anyway.
Do you Shower Daily: Hell no... ok, I think this joke is done now (that was a joke).
Have you Been in Love: Define love and I shall answer.
Do you want to go to College: Again? no. I already went.
Do you want to get Married: Not now.
Do you belive in yourself: Yes, I have to.
Do you get Motion Sickness: No
Do you think you are Attractive: Not attractive, not ugly, stuck in the middle.
Are you a Health Freak: That would be a no.
Do you get along with your Parents: Indeed I do
Do you like Thunderstorms: Unless I am in an open field I do.
Do you play an Instrument: Only in my mind. I used to play drums.
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Yes
In the past month have you Smoked: Bite thy tougue (no)
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Nope
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yes
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yes (It's Christmas time right now.... I had to)
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No, but that sounds really good now.
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Nope, been over a year actually.
In the past month have you been on Stage: Alas, no. Very sad that.
In the past month have you been Dumped: Nope
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: Nah
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: Are you a cop?
Ever been Drunk: Oh yeah... in the past month.
Ever been called a Tease: That's a big no.
Ever been Beaten up: Amazingly, no. Threatened.
Ever Shoplifted: Nope
How do you want to Die: Fast
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: A real boy
What country would you most like to Visit: England&nbsp WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A GIRL
Favourite Eye Color: Not pickey... but no black eyes (no brawlers).
Favourite Hair Color: Again, no pickey, but I seem to go for darker more otten.
Short or Long Hair: Long, definatly
Height: not too tall, not too short
Weight: Not too fat
Best Clothing Style: Clothing? Do we really need that?
Number of Drugs I have taken: I've only had a couple perscriptions in my life.
Number of CDs I own: A few
Number of Piercings: Zero... I'm not a fan. Ears are fine... but not for me.
Number of Tattoos: Zero... don't do a thing for me.
Number of things in my Past I Regret: You can't think that way. It's not constructive. &nbsp WHAT'S YOUR FAVORATE...
Beverage (non-alc) ? Sunkist Orange Soda
Color ? Depends on my mood, usually black
Food ? Baah!
Item of clothing ? Jacket
Meal of the day ? I don't eat conventional meals
Feature on yourself ? Still looking
Quality in a guy/girl ? Honesty, then Intelligence
Phrase ? ?
Song ? REMs "Losing My Religion" (personal meaning)
Musical Artist/Band ? Various
Sport ? Running
Movie ? Braveheart / Lord of the Rings
TV Show ? Freaks and Geeks / The Shield / Farscape
Type of Chocolate ? Milk Chocolate
Eye Color ? Black eyes = bad. Ouch&nbsp DO YOU / HAVE YOU EVER...
Have any pets ? Not anymore
Have any piercings ? Certintly not!
Have any tatoos ? Certintly not!
Cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend Certintly not! (I see a trend)
Gone skinny dipping ? Can't get anyone to go with me
Been to Europe ? Nope
Been to an island ? It's MY Island!
Had stitches ? Chin and thumb
Broken any bones ? Amazingly enough, No. I'm durable.
Been stabbed/shot ? No... are you threatening me?
Slept until after 12:00 ? Pretty much always
Stayed up all night ? Pretty much always
Hooked up with 2 people in one weekend ? No. What do you think I am, som sort of deity?
Turned down a dare ? Probably. Maybe not, people don't dare me. &nbsp WHICH FRIEND...
Is the funniest ? I plead the fifth
Is the prettiest ? I plead the fifth once again
Is the most handsom ? Handsom... I don't know, I'm not a Gay Cowboy!
Is the loudest ? I don't like loud people.
Is the craziest ? No one beats me in this department.
Has the best house ? Next to mine, they all live in paradise&nbsp WOULD YOU EVER...
Eat pizza with chocolate chips ? I'd try it... especally if there was alcohol involved
Kiss someone of the same sex ? I'm an actor, I've done it (on stage)
Cheat on someone you love ? No... I don't think it would be love if you did
Run away from home ? All the time... but no one notices sense I live alone
Lie to your parents ? We all have, we are human. Rarely
Lie to your boyfriend/girlfriend ? We all have, we are human. Rarely
Lie to your best friend ? We all have, we are human. Rarely
Give a homeless person money ? I have. Rarely
Run from the police ? I'm white, so no
Bungee jump ? Sure
Sky dive ? Why not
Cross dress ? If there was a reason, sure
Be an exotic dancer ? No, I'm not exotic enough
Walk out of a restaurant without paying ? No, that's not cool
Scuba dive ? Sure
Go rock climbing ? Absolutly
Go spulunking (caving) ? Sounds like fun&nbsp WHAT DO YOU THINK OF WHEN YOU HEAR...
Eminem ? I used his music once in a movie I directed/edited
Bologna ? I like to freeze it and eat it
Hott ? Joe Hott, he was a janitor at my old high school
Orange ? Soda. Sunkist!
Real world ? The project I directed/edited was a parody of it
Jack ? in the Box. My parents like those commercials way too much
Cucumber ? You are dirty!
Hip-Hop ? I once took lessions
Uniform ? Job. Conform. I don't want a uniform.
UniCORN ! ? Horny Horse
Rainbow ? Underwood (kissed her in a TV show I worked on)
Clown ? Stop acting like an Ass Clown!
I got Your Extended Network right here...
In my pants!!

My Interests


I see a lot of movies, at least one a week if possible (it's not always). I don't see REALLY stupid comidies, or "chick flicks" with no redeaming qualities (not all "chick flicks" are created equel, some are great). Most months I see at least six movies, sometimes as many as ten. If it's a movie that makes you think, it's good to have someone of at least moderate intelligence to talk about it after... sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.


I am very fond of cats... but I don't have any. I live in a small apartment and I don't think that's a good place for a cat. There's one that lives in the building though, and he's more then welcone to stop by (and he does a few nights a week). I'm not a big dog fan. I've noticed that I get along a lot better with cat people.

I painted this

Going Out

I go out to clubs from time to time... not too often anymore actually; I used to go quite often. I did the 80s thing most often, but I've also been to goth clubs a few times. I do have a dark side. My dancing style in very unique... cool people love it, those who don't.. they don't matter anyway. But I've seriously got tons of complements and some people even ask me to tesch them movies, but it's all intuition. I also drink, though not as much when I go out because it gets expensive quick, and of course I have to sober up before driving home. Better to buy a bottle or two of something nice and share it with friends (or a friend) while hanging-out. Despite what the picture below might sugest, I don't really drink that often.

All this alcohol and no one to share it with...

I'm up for just about anything really, as long as it's fun. I've even done Karaoke a few times... which is very frightening because I do not have a nice singing voice, but it was with friends and it was fun, that's what counts. Had there been small children there, they probably would have been frightened.


I'm on my computer quite often. I designed and created my own website, as well as my MySpace page. I also play video games on my computer from time to time, but not too often because I find it can cause me to become somewhat of a recluse (and that's not a good thing). Some of my favorates of the past are Balder's Gate, Starcraft, Stronghold, Galactic Battlegrounds and Dark Forces. I hate video games that feel they have to be 3D to be "cutting edge" because they are usually really hard to operate, slow, and are never as fun (example: Stronghold 2... it sucks!) It's been a VERY long time sense I played any games actually. By the way, I still have dial-up, I suck!



I guess another interest would be acting... that's why it's my career. This will mean nothing to those of you that don't know about acting, but I have a strong Meisner base, and I strougly beleave in the Michael Chekhov technique. But I also beleave in trying different techniques and taking what works from each of them, like a personal toolbox of acting tools. That might have sounded pretentious, but it's just "shop talk."


I started to learn Japanese in 2007; I was seeing a Japanese girl at the time. That has ended, and I have not continued to learn it... though I would like to, I just can't find the inspiration. So I know a bunch of words, the basic grammar, and the basic letters (as well as a few Kanji). If I happen meet another Japanese girl, then I will resume my studies... but I don't think this is likely (unfortunately).

My Eyes

in 2004 I got Laser Surgery on my eyes... and it was the best thing I ever did. Life truly begins after Laser Surgery. I am a little sad at times that I missed so many years before.

Pre Surgery

Post Surgery

"In My Pants"

I'll take this space to explain the comment under the picture to the right, "I've got your extended network right here... in my pants!" I have found that you can take almost anything (in this case "extended network") and put it in that phrase and it sounds like a really sleezy pick-up line... and thus I enjoy it. I don't really have an extended network in my pants (at least not at this moment).


If there's one thing that bothers me, it's when people I stand me up. I hate when I clear my "social calendar," and then I'm stuck sitting around alone. And I also hate when people cancel at the last minute for no good reason; I do understand things happen and stuff comes up sometime... I'm an actor, I have to understand this. Being consistently late is another annoyance. I'm always early; I don't expect this, but I expect others to be on time (again, unless there is an actual reason).

I also hate women who pretend to be interested in something more then friendship just because they think it's mean to tell you they just want to be friends... it's much meaner to lead a guy on!

And the newest addition to my list of annoyances: Self-centered people who claim to be my friends, but only when they need me. I'm good to my friends, but I have a life of my own and I can’t always help with every little thing. Is that a reason to end a friendship… I would say no (if it was a real friendship). Apparently there are those who would say yes… and I don’t want people that overreact like that as friends (which works out nicely). I don’t need that kind of drama, I just wish I could tell if someone was like this from the start. I guess I'm ranted enough for now. There will be more

Oh, and I also get annoyed when MySpace loses half my profile information! They did, but it's all back now. There was a brief (or maybe not-so-brief)raunt on religion that I decided to leave out this time 'round.

I'd like to meet:

I'm up for meeting anyone who's not a total jerk and/or idiot (in the virtual word that is). Please feel free to contact me... in fact, please contact me, MySpace can be a bit of a bore at times. I have too many real-life friends, and very few MySpace friends... that's not true, one can never have too many real-life friends. And I don't actually have that many.

Policy on Adding Friends
Oh, and my policy is that I will not add anyone as a MySpace friend unless I know you, or you have sent me at least one message before you ask (or at the same time). And not one of those mass mailed messages that have the add friend link in the actual message. If you reach 1000 friends, AND I've never met/spoken to you in real life, I'll delete you... but I'm sure you won't notice anyway if you have that many "friends".


There isn't one type of music that I like above all others; I like what I like, and that doesn't necessarily fit into one catigory. I generaly don't care for rap. There's quite a bit of 80s stuff I like, and it's great to dance to. I lke musicthat rocks. One of these days maybe I'll list some actual songs... but not today.


As I mentioned above, I try to go to the movies as often as possible, and now I write my reviews here, in my "blog". I figure that's a better use for it then rambling on about my life and emotions; I doubt anyone, except close friends who get it all in e-mail anyway, would want to read all that rubbish.

Some of my favorates include: Braveheart, Lord of the Rings, the Indiana Jones movies, Star Wars, Memento, My Cousin Vinney, Fight Club... the list goes on and on.

For recent moves that I liked, I would direct you to my "Blog"... which I have now mentioned at least three times. Sorry.


Some of my favorite TV shows include: Farscape, The Shield, Freaks and Geeks (which I was in), FullMetal AlchemistBabylon 5, Doctor Who (the original... the new series kinda sucks), The Simpsons and Family Guy.

Just in the last few years, I've started watching a lot of stuff on The Discovery Channel; I especially like Mythbusters. I also love Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi Channel, very interesting stuff.


I like to read a lot, but a good book will keep me awake and deprive me of my much needed sleep... but still I'm always looking for a good read

I'm a big fan of the Harry Potter books. I also enjoyed Lord of the Rings and The Hobbitt. I semi-recently (ok, it was ages ago now, but it was recent when I first added it to this list) read a book called The Program by Gregg Hurwitz; I highly reccomend it.

I'm not a big fan of John Grisham... he's all right, but I've found that his books generally start out kinda slow. Though they do usually get prety good by the end, they almost always end the same, with someone geting a a plane and leaving their old life. I HATED Grisham's A Painted House... borring from start to finish! Sleeping pills in book form.


Alas, I do not have a hero. Everyone should have one, but I do not. That makes me a little sad. I have a Black Heart, I have a Wicked Heart.

"When you have insomnia, you're never really asleep, and your never really awake." - Tyler Durden

My Blog

Movie Reviews - June 2008

I've seen three movies so far in June. More to come. The Incredible Hulk  The Incredible Hulk was a much better film then the 2003 film, The Hulk. This film is pretty much a sequel, but it takes thi...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:14:00 PST

Movie Reviews - May 2008

I've saw six movies in May... including the VERY disappointing new Indiana Jones film. My review of it is long, so in case some of you don't want to read that much, I'll say it plainly here: I am bar...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Mon, 19 May 2008 07:22:00 PST

Movie Reviews - April 2008

I saw five movies in April; I've gotten my movie viewing habits back on track! Now I just have to work on posting them a timely manor. Forgetting Sarah Marshall  Forgetting Sarah Marshall is the be...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Sun, 04 May 2008 02:15:00 PST

Movie Reviews - March 2008

Sorry I have been so bad about posting my reviews... I have been so busy (with nothing). I only saw two movies in March. 10,000 BC  10,000 BC is an early contender for the worst movie of 2008; it ha...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 04:06:00 PST

Movie Reviews - February 2008

I only saw two movies in February... I haven't seen so few movies in a month for many years. There wasn't much out... but I will try to do better next month. The Spiderwick Chronicles - As is often t...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 03:33:00 PST

Movie Reviews - Janusry 2008

I only saw four movies in January... there really wasn't much out there. Cloverfield  What a major disappointment Cloverfield was& I have a lot to say about this one. Firstly, I should ment...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Sun, 20 Jan 2008 09:15:00 PST

Movie Reviews - December 2007

It's been a busy month, but I still managed to see nine movies so far in December! And this ends what I consider to be a week year overall for movies. Charlie Wilson's War  Charlie Wilson's War ...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 07:39:00 PST

Movie Reviews - November 2007

I saw nine movies in November; it was very much a mixed bag. Even though I saw so many, I still missed out on seeing 30 Days of Night, which I wanted to see. No Country for Old Men - I was...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:47:00 PST

Movie Reviews - October 2007

I've only saw five movies in October...  It was been a crazy busy month! We Own the Night  I don't have all that much to say about We Own the Night, which is sometimes the case wh...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Sat, 13 Oct 2007 09:16:00 PST

Movie Reviews - September 2007

I saw seven movies in September. And by the way, I will not be screening Mr. Woodcock... Billy Bob Thornton has burnt me too many times with his comedies, and as long as I'm paying for my ticket...
Posted by Hitman Mike...? on Sat, 15 Sep 2007 04:58:00 PST