Sey ॐ profile picture

Sey ॐ

Be Simple. Be Kind.

About Me

I enjoy reading (a lot), writing, thinking and am a contemplative-type person. I also enjoy philosophy (the study of wisdom) and research. Most important - SPIRITUALITY is important in my life and I believe that CONSCIOUSNESS is the content of life. I have many interests. I find plants to be amazing and I study their healing properties. I also am very interested in natural medicine and healing. I try to understand many different perspectives when examining life, people and ideas. -- Co-author of a forthcoming book on herbal adaptogens (details to follow in Spring 2007) -- Note: If current photo is not visible, see "View More Pics."

My Interests

Health, Herbs, Medicine, Philosophy, Spirituality, Consciousness, Internet, Spiritual Art, Spiritual Music, Reading, Writing, Research, Gardening, Feeding birds, Truth, Beauty, Environment, Warm Sunny Days, Caffeinated Tea, Sufi, Hindu, Yoga, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Sikh, Bahai, Taoism, Zen, Meditation, Ayurveda, OM, Shanti, Salam, PEACE, not war.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet thinkers, writers and creative nonconformists; voyeurs of the mind, body and soul; explorers of inner consciousness (spiritual seekers); people who have similar interests; people who believe like me that: "Truth is one - Paths are many." People who think that beauty and truth are important... -IF YOU CHOOSE TO BE MY FRIEND ON MYSPACE: please make contact first as I am not collecting friends. I seek friends that I can communicate with and who will also communicate with me from time-to-time. Please don't feel bad if I do not accept you as a friend as I am limiting my number of friends for can always message me. ALSO, please do NOT post large or blinking photos or video. Thanks ~


I prefer instrumental, folk, soft rock, kirtan and international music -- music with piano and/or guitar that flows with melody and rhythm. I also like music that has a trance-quality, with a mesmerizing rhythm and devotional lyrics... such as Hindu kirtan and other sacred music -- (I especially like Krishna Das). I like lovely voices, repetition, not too loud... New Age instrumental expansive music... Middle Eastern music has the right rhythm...


I enjoy movies with some level of sensitivity. I like to get lost in the story and make friends with the characters. I enjoyed movies like: Pelican Brief, Meetings with Remarkable Men, Horse Whisperer, Dances with Wolves, Human Stain, Beautiful Mind, My Best Friend's Wedding, Groundhog Day, Pay it Forward, Dreamer, Proof... There are many great movies out there... I also appreciate the filmmakers and actors.


Television can be relaxing at the end of the day. Laughter is good... "Brothers and Sisters" is my favorite show of the season.


Scriptures: Bhagavad Gita, Genesis, Sayings of Jesus, Tao Te Ching. The simplicity of eastern wisdom: such as simple Zen or Chinese poems, the Sayings of the Masters from all traditions. Books: Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, Torah Studies by Rebbe Manachem Schneerson, Still Here by Ram Dass, and various texts on natural medicine.


Some teachers from my lifetime that have changed my life: Swami Satchidananda, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda, Shlomo Carlebach, Rajneesh, Ram Dass (and others).

My Blog

Unattachment and the Love of God

The Bhagavad Gita teaches unattachment.                      This simple teaching is difficult to ...
Posted by Sey on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 03:30:00 PST

Medicine cures, doctors diagnose, God heals

There is a short saying that I would like to provide a brief commentary. It is simply this: Medicine cures, doctors diagnose, God heals. There is medicine, diagnosis, and healing. Medicine does not cu...
Posted by Sey on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 05:35:00 PST


Wisdom   We gather knowledge We study words of wisdom But wisdom cannot be transferred like knowledge.   She comes at the right time For the right reasons. She comes not for ego She is exper...
Posted by Sey on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 04:13:00 PST

Craving Newness on MySpace

There is nothing new and yet everything is new.   We are addicted by newness and our friendly electronic multi-media MySpace is feeding our addiction. What's new now?  Messages, bullet...
Posted by Sey on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 03:24:00 PST

Soul Groups  Quickening via MySpace

Many of us are aware of soul groups. These are shared soul associations from either past lives or our current life. We connect with a group of souls for some purpose (individual or joint) such as to w...
Posted by Sey on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 05:18:00 PST

MySpace Friends  Are they Real?

For many of us (including me), we have never actually met the people we are friends with on MySpace. We have seen selected pictures of our friends and have read things that they have written. We liste...
Posted by Sey on Thu, 06 Jul 2006 05:47:00 PST

Establish Peace

The Indian saint Ramana Maharishi said: The idea that there is a goal is wrong. We are the goal; we are always peace. To get rid of the idea that we are not peace is all that is required.   In Ze...
Posted by Sey on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 01:40:00 PST

Faith and the Da Vinci Code

We have an inner desire to know more about God or Spirit. Once we have tasted Spirit, we know that it is good and that we want more of it and to understand it more.   We strive to understand more...
Posted by Sey on Sun, 21 May 2006 06:31:00 PST

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences

A taste of Zen wisdom at its best attributed to Seng Ts'an, the Third Chinese Patriarch of Zen:   The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no preferences.  When love and hate are bo...
Posted by Sey on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 11:12:00 PST

The dharma of being

It is our dharma (spiritual path, true nature) that determines what we should do. We must follow our own dharma.   There are some whose dharma is to do things (service) for other beings. There a...
Posted by Sey on Sun, 26 Feb 2006 05:55:00 PST