esta es una de mis favoritas bandas Aborginalews, indijenas de la reservasion de arizszona sercaa de la fronmtera de mexico y estado uindos greengos..... watchqa, trucha y escucha.... nuestros piysanod... carnalas. y eyos se yaman Tohono Oodham.... This band esta Kukualtzin chingona.. Indijenas de Arizona... keep cu=irculaee,.. in a circletlazokahmahtik zack, this is the begining! Ometeotl, Timo Iztakeflash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"
Totonaltzin omotlahtiuh, totonaltzin oixpoliuh, iwan tzentla yowayan. Otex kateh, max tikmatih. Ma okzepa walla. Ma okzepa kitztiki Iwan yankwik ohtikan. Tex tlawilkin, max inoka ompa ka, Miktlantzin momanitz. Ma tzanwelliu titozentla tilikan. Ma titotexokan, iwan toyolnepantla. Ma titlatikan, moxi in toyoloh kitlazohtla. Kiweyi tlakiomatzintzintli. Iwan tikmatih, ipan iuhkin weyi xalxiwitzintli. Ma tikin popolokan toteokalwanzintli, tokalmekawanzintli, totlachkowanzintli, totelpochkalwanzintli, tokwikakalwanzintli. Ma motzekawakan, to owiwantzintli. Iwan ma toxanwantzintli ma texpelikan. Axkan amo maktia kin ikwak toyanwiktonalzintli. In tatzintzin, in nantzintzin, ma aik kilkawakan in tlamaxtli, in ixpilwantzin. In tatzintzin inka intelpochwan iwan in nantzintzin inka ichpolwan. Iwan ma kimaxtian inpilwan, inoka ik nemitzkeh. In yuhkin, kenin kwalli katka, kin axkan ixkixkawitl totlazohtla Anawak, in tlanekiliz, in tochimal. Iwan tlapalewiliztli toteowantzintzintli iwan tokenpololitztli. okitzeliken tokoltzintzinwan, iwan tlen totahtzintzinwan. Aik yoleka yaopan. okixtinaxkeh toyelitzpan. Akan tewantin tikintekimakah in topilwan, ka totlakwilolitzli wan tototlamatiliztli. Ma pixkia panpa nemolitzli. Axkan iwan tikin tochanwan toteokalwanzintli, tokalmekawanzintli, totlachkowanzintli, totelpochkalwanzintli, tokwikakalwanzintli. Amo makilkawakan, makinotzakan inpilwan, wel kenin yetz, kenin moewatz. Iwan wel kenin kitzko weyika nemilitz, iwan ki yektzon, weyika nextolilitztli - in totlazohtlalnantzin Anawak!CuauhtemocCuauhtémoc (1495?-1525), last ruler of the Aztec Empire of Mexico, nephew of Emperor Montezuma II. Cuauhtémoc led the opposition to Montezuma's policy of appeasing the Spanish invaders. He organized the attack, known as la noche triste ("sad night"), that drove the Spanish commander Hernán Cortés from the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán on June 30, 1520. After the death of Montezuma and his successor, Cuauhtémoc was chosen emperor of the Aztec and succeeded in defending the capital throughout the spring and summer of 1521. When finally captured by the Spanish, he refused to reveal the location of the Aztec gold treasury. Taken hostage by Cortés and his party on their march through Honduras, the emperor was tortured and killed by the Spanish. A statue of Cuauhtémoc is in Mexico City. The name is also spelled GuatemotzÃn and Guatémoc.
Before Cuauhtemoc's death, he sent out this mandate to our people; accepting the death of the fifth sun (see the six suns) while also reminding future generations that we have the responsibility of rebuilding our nation under the sixth sun:
Our beloved sun has disappeared and has left us in total darkness. But we know that it will again return, will again come out and will come anew to shine upon us. But while it stays there in Miktlan (region of eternal repose.) We should rapidly gather and embrace ourselves. And in the center of our heart we will hide all that which our heart appreciates and considers a treasure. And we know like a great jade we will destroy our Teokalwanzintli (houses of youth), our Kalmekawanzintli (Universities), our tlachkowanzintli (ball courts), our telpochkalwanzintli (houses of young men), and our kwikakalwanzintli (houses of song.) That our roads may remain deserted and that our homes may preserve us. For now we do not know until when our new sun will come out. That the fathers and the mothers may never forget to teach their children. The fathers with the boys, the mothers with the girls. And that they teach their children while they live precisely how good has been that which has been until today. Our beloved Anawak! The refuge, the protection and the care of our energies. And as a result of our customs and the behavior that our venerable elders received and our venerable parents with effort sowed in our essence. Now we deliver the task to our children that they guard our writings and our knowledge. From now on our homes will be our teokalwanzintli, our Kalmekawanzintli, our Tlachkowanzintli, our telpochkalwanzintli, our kwikalwanzintli. And do not forget to inform our children intensely how it will be. How we will rise! And exactly how its destiny will be realized and how it will fulfill its grand destiny. Our beloved motherland Anawak.The fifth sun thus arose. This sun was represented by Ollin. This sun was destroyed in 1519, when the Popoloc (white invaders) invaded and committed genocide against our people. The survivors of this world were turned into slaves. We are the survivors of the fifth world just as the birds, fish and monkeys are survivors of the previous creations.In each of the previous suns, our ancestors were killed by wind, lava, floods, jaguars and the white invaders (popoloc). At the end of each sun, our world was destroyed as we knew it, meaning some humans survived each of the five suns (except for the first sun in which no humans survived) and the Mexica people living today (us) are the survivors of the fifth sun. We are survivors of the fifth sun and will witness the rising of the sixth sun. The fifth sun is no longer with us because it was destroyed in 1519. The fifth sun set when the spaniards killed off 95% of our population (25 million Natives in Mexico alone). In the first sun, our people were killed off by jaguars and there were no survivors. In the second sun, our people were killed off by the great winds but some managed to escape death by turning into monkeys and hanging on to trees with their tails. In the third sun, our people were killed off by the rain of fire but some managed to escape death by turning into birds and flying away. In the fourth sun, our people were killed off by the great floods but some managed to escape death by turning into fish. In the fifth sun, our people were killed off by the white invaders but some managed to escape by turning into slaves, colonial subjects.The realization of the true significance of the six suns is a cultural one and can only be deciphered by our people not the European invaders. To understand our history and culture is to see past the lies that are fed to us. The birds, monkeys, and fish are believed by our people to be the surviving humans of the previous world. These animals are therefore the literal embodiment of our ancestors. Our ancestors said that after the fifth sun set we would live 500 years of darkness without a sun where we would encounter domination and death at the hands of the Popoloc; This period will end on December 23, 2013 and the sixth sun will rise bringing with it retribution and re-education as prophecized by Cuauhtemoc. This is part of an ancient prophecy called Tzitzimimee. December 23, 2013 marks the rebuilding of our nation and the birth of the sixth sun. It is on this date that we believe our ancestors will return in a final battle against the popoloc which will send them back into the ocean where they came from. It is on this day that the spirits of our ancestors will return in a massive force that will shake the worlds foundations.Sources:Aztec Thought and Culture
By: Miguel Leon-PortillaThe Book of the Sun: Tonatiuh
By: Cecilio Orozco"Mexicans" are one of the many Original Inhabitants (so-called Indians) who originated on this continent we call Ixachilan (see "Native American Oral Traditions and Archaeological Myths"). We are descendants of the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations that covered an area from Aztlan (so-called U.S. Southwest) to the area called Costa Rica in Central America. "Mexican" is what the English called us. "Mexicano" (Meh-hee-kano) is what the Spaniard Europeans called us. Mexica (Meh-shee-kah) is what we call ourselves. Ninety-nine percent of our history as a people happened before the Europeans invaded our land, but sadly that is not the part of our history that has been taught to us. That hidden pre-European history, and the cultural castration effect of the European Invasion, is what is based upon. After 512 years of colonization, we must rise up against the illegal settler population whom continue to enslave us socially, economically, politically and spiritually. It is written in our ancient prophecy called Tzitzimimee; we will not be defeated.* Latin America is named after the White people of Latin descent who stole our land and claimed it as their own. The Europeans brand everything they "own" with their name, it is no different with our land. Some may believe that the term Latino is a unifying factor for the people living in Latin America and it is; for the whites living on our land not us.
* Latinos are white people from Southern Europe living in "Latin America." They are the people of Latin (white Roman) descent. Latin is a white language that was spoken by the Romans. When the Roman empire fell, the Romans eventually forgot Latin because it was no longer taught in their schools. English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and French all developed from Latin as dialects then eventually became languages. The people who speak these languages are therefore the descendants of the Latinos. Latino is simply Spanish for people of Latin descent; the Europeans.
* Hispanics are white people from Spain. The Romans called the Spaniards "Hispanos" which means people of Hispania (Spain).
* When the Spaniards invaded our people, they could not pronounce our name (Mexica, pronounced meh - shee - kah) because there is not a sound in the Spanish language for "sh". The Spaniards then put an "x" in the place of the "sh" to signify an unknown sound. Mexicano or Mexican therefore are mispronunciations of our true name.
* We , the Mexica people are one of the original inhabitants of this continent..
* Our original home is Aztlan. Aztlan is located in the four corners region (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona) along the 4 great rivers: (What we call the Nahui Atl) the Colorado river (the river begins and ends in Arizona and Colorado, therefore to us it was considered 2 seperate rivers), the Green river, and the San Juan river
* We migrated to Mexico/Anahuac around 1016 A.D. because of the severe droughts of the time.
* Before we left Aztlan we were called "Azteca". But the Azteca broke up into 8 tribes, the Mexica being the last to leave south.
* Most everyone today uses the term "Aztec" in reference to the Mexica, which is absurd. The Azteca no longer existed after 1016 A.D. By then we had all broken up and changed our names to Hopi, Alcohua, Mexica etc..
* Does this mean we are "INDIANS"? NO! THE INDIAN PEOPLE LIVE IN INDIA. If you are tempted to use the word, substitute it for an accurate one like Indigenous or Native. If you want to go even further, use the term: Ixachilankah (Nahuatl for natives of this continent which we call Ixachilan) or Anahuaka (natives of Anahuak). It is very important that this term not be used by our people.
* Spanish is NOT our "Mother Tongue." Spanish is a foreign language from Europe. We speak it only because we remain under colonial rule. Nahuatl is our true language.
* It is very important that we learn Nahuatl because as long as we speak white languages, we will think like white people. Europeans are the only people in the world to develop a linear world-view; everyone else has a circular world-view. In the linear world-view, the past is irrelevant because the ultimate goal is to get to heaven. Everything that occurs in the past is therefore useless because when you ask for forgiveness, you acquire a clean slate. This is why you hear whites always saying "forget about the past" or "stop living in the past." It is no suprise that the Europeans are the only people in the world to develop retirement homes (because they dont realize their parents nurtured them throughout their lives and must then be nurtured in their old age; instead they put them in these homes to rot) and industralization (which is an economic system that systematically destroys the Earth). This is an illogical way of viewing the world because any normal person can see that the past, present and future are all related. We must acquire our original circular world-view in order to understand the events that happened in the past which still effect us in the present and how it will continue to effect us in the future.
* Some people claim that we are the "cosmic race" a mixture of whites and "indians". They say how can you fight against something that is in your veins? Do you think that if Hitler raped a jewish woman the resulting child would love his father and proclaim to be a German?? I think not. By acknowledging the Spanish blood that was raped into you as valid, you are justifying the mass rape of our foremothers.
* The belief that "all" Mexica are half Spanish is absurd. From the time period spanning 1519 to 1810, only 80,000 Spaniards ever came to Mexico. Even if we assumed every one of these Spaniards raped an indigenous woman, we would still be well over 95% indigenous (based on the estimated indigenous population after diseases took their toll of 1 million, regarded by many scholars as a highly deflated number).
* North and South America in Nahuatl are called Ixachilan and are considered to be one mass of land united by the Eagle and Condor not two seperate continents. Anahuak is the section of Ixachilan which includes Aztlan, Mexiko, Amalpan (Belize), Kuauhtemallan (Guatemala), Atenantitech (Honduras), Kuzkatlan (El Salvador), and Nikananawak (Nicaragua). "Central America" was created when Spain divided up our land and handed it out to former Spanish soldiers and their descendants still own these countries to this day. Just as "Mexicanos" is a false term for natives of Mexico, "Salvadorenos" is a false term for the natives of Kuzkatlan. The correct term for natives of El Salvador therefore is Kuzkateca.
* The Spanish names we have now are slave names which were given to our ancestors by the Spaniards. During our enslavement on the encomiendas, we were named after our Spanish slave masters to signify that we were their property. When the encomienda system came to end, the Spanish priests began forcefully converting us and giving us Christian slave names. That is why many of our people are named after saints such as Maria, Juan, Jose, Rosa etc..
* In our language "Mexica" comes from Mexihtli-Huitzilpochtli a warrior priest who led us from Aztlan to Mexico-Tenochtitlan and who represents the sun. The word therefore means, "People of Mexihtli/the Sun". Mexica is plural. Mexicatl is the singular form. Therefore; "I am Mexicatl (Ni Mexicatl)" & "We are Mexica (Tehuan Mexica)".
* Catholicism was imposed upon us by the Hispanic invaders. We have our own creator whom we call Ometeotl which means "dual cosmic energy." Ometeotl is a culmination of all the energy in the universe and is represented by the sacred dualities of these energies - water/fire, life/death, male/female, day/night, good/bad. We have no need for foreign religions created by foreign cultures; we have our own.
* All of us at the age of 5 were kidnapped and systematically mind raped. This "education" has succeeded in brainwashing all of us into being european clones. Most of us speak English and Spanish; two European languages and are Christians; a white religion. It is time to de-colonize our minds and think as individuals. Don't let the wasicu control your destiny, learn your true history and culture!mexikah tiahui con kuetes y machetes!Picture of Native people of Anahuac, Ixachilan, Asheenabee "america"...
1. Aleut.
2. Kolosj.
3, 4. Eskimåer (kvinna o. man).
5. Kovitsjin-indian från Vancouver-ön.
6. Kråk-indian.
7. Blackfeet-indian.
8. Odjibue.
9, 10. Pah Utah (man o. kvinna).
11. Sjosjon ("ormindian").
12. Dakota l. Sioux.
13. Pani.
14. Mandan.
15. Apache.
16. Pueblo.
17. Mexikansk indian.
18. Maypure (Orinoco).
19. Omagua från västra Brasilien.
20, 21. Botokuder (man o. kvinna).
22, 23. Ticuña (man o. kvinna).
24. Miranha (kvinna).
25. Peruan från Cerro de Pasco.
26. Peruansk kreol från Chiloë.
27. Quichua.
28. Abipon
29. Moxos-indian (Bolivia).
30. Puel-che från Argentina.
31. Patagonier.
32. Araukan.
33. Eldsländare (pesjärä). /object