Music, macrocosms, microcosms, madness, madcaps, magnetism, mysitique, make-believe, misfits, magnification, mo-jo, machinations, magi, malarkey, meditation, marauding meritorious mensch, metamorphosis, metaphysics, metaphor...
The tribe, boss, the tribe...
Everything I've ever heard, within and without my head: a very long list including, at random: jazz, blues, metal, funk, punk, rock, baroque, classical, romantic, modern, post-modern, and that which is yet to come. Basically, all shapes and sizes as long as they breathe.
Top Five: "To Have and Have Not," "North by Northwest," "Solaris" (The Tarkovsky, Soviet, seventies version), "Waking Life," and ________ (I don't like to close my options).
I killed it...
Far too many to list: literature, philosophy, poetry, history, mythology...
Ben Franklin said Jesus and Socrates; I don't say Ben Franklin...