Carter profile picture


Remember, truth is as individual as the person who lives it...

About Me

Hmmm. I'm a simple guy. I work hard and play hard. I've chosen this lifestyle, and have found in the pursuit of it a 32 hour day could prove adventageous. When I was young, I didn't have any idea of what a friend really was. Now I realize my friends are the mortar that cements the bricks of my life, forming a wall protecting me from adversity as well as restraining me from myself.Okay, that said, what's next on the agenda???

My Interests

Soccer. Music. Writing. Film. Photography. Life...I'm still here, so I'm still interested.

I'd like to meet:

People. Interesting people. From all backgrounds. Each person has thier own mind, perspective, thoughts and reality; each a unique and incredible story painted, textures on the canvas of life, put there by the brushstrokes of sweat, logic, emotion, and circumstance. Everyone has a whole universe inside them, one that is captivating when viewed from their perspective...


I write, record, and perform a little less than I used to. I have three CD's and am working on a fourth.


I watch plenty of them in keeping up with the business, learning, learning; waiting for my opportunity to put my knowledge to the test...


If I catch something I like, I'm into it. Otherwise, I prefer to sit back, and try to observe the obvious.Hmmm... Maybe there is a story in there after all...


I've written five books and three screenplays, and still haven't had enough. Currently I'm working on another book, and building a few alternative storylines to provide fodder for the future. I read a lot of books on writing and psychology, though I am able to catch a good novel here and there. The latest one to captivate me is "Double Image," by David Morrell. Still studying that one...


Those who deserve respect, have mine. Those who inspire me I keep within, fueling my aspirations to become a better human being. After all, it's not important who you are; what is important is who you want to be, and what steps you're taking in order to get there...