MUSIC AND ART, of course! I am also an actress, writer, poet and appreciate good literature... Another main interest of mine is helping animals in any way I can. My dream is to become a famous Christian rock star or a famous artist (painter) or actress b4 I die, so that I have enough money to donate to all the best animal rights causes. I am currently working on a project to stop the senseless killing of wolves in Alaska, and to stop the Navy from deploying dangerous sonar in the oceans that will injure and kill thousands of whales and dolphins...I love Europe and have been there several times...
I would like to meet other musicians and artists for friendship and networking...or whatever God has in mind in our connecting! Please check out my other sites, website: webpage: other myspace page: (featured in my top 8) Thanx!!! :))
Classic Rock, World Beat, some Opera and Classical such as Luciano Pavaroti, Bocelli, Puccini and Mozart, Progressive Rock and Progressive Jazz, Fusion, New Age, Techno/Trance/Electronica and Christian Alternative Rock...Some Favorite bands in no particular order include: Genesis, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, Roxy Music, Led Zeppelin, Rush, Peter Gabriel, Uriah Heep, King Crimson, Hawkwind, Brand X, U2, old Deep Purple, Yes, Gentle Giant, Renaissance, Strawbs, Jean Luc Ponty, Pat Metheny, Steve Vai, Tangerine Dream, Enigma, Deep Forest, Dead Can Dance, Depeche Mode, Level 42, Midnight Oil, Mr. Mister, INXS, Delirious, Evanescense, Kutlass, Creed, Jars of Clay, Switchfoot, Joi, Ron Clearfield, Yo Yo Ma, Mark Isham, Lesiem, Michele Tombs, Amethesium, Liquid Mind and some 60's songs like 1-2-3 Redlight.. Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, Vehicle, and more! One of my favorite things to do is turn friends onto new music! Although I am a pro lead singer and play some keyboards, my absolute favorite instrument on this planet is the CELLO, second favorite the violin...
The Passion of the Christ; Jesus of Nazareth; Baraka; Whalerider; The Matrix; Dead Poets Society; American Beauty; Magnolia; What Dreams May Come; Ordinary People; Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon; Don Juan DeMarco; Beaches; Terms of Endearment; Sex, Lies and Videotapes; All of Me; Parenthood; Father of the Bride; Dead Zone; Flatliners; The Sixth Sense; The Eye; What the Bleep Do We Know; Winged Migration; The Third Miracle; What about Bob; most Monty Phython; Planes, Trains, and Automobiles; My Cousin Vinny; Liar Liar; Malibu's Most Wanted; Return To Paradise; Cocoon; 2001; A Room w/ a View; Barry Lyndon; The Lover; Map of the Human Heart; ALtered States; Brainstorm; Dreamscape; Little Buddha; Chocolat; My Dinner w/ Andre; Forest Gump; Awakenings; Interiors; Day the Earth Stood Still; Hannah and Her Sisters; most Woody Allen; other foreign and indie films...
Some talk shows on occasion like Oprah, depending on the subject. I like the Discovery Channel, TLC, some MTV, some Sci-Fi and Animal Planet. I rarely watch sitcoms. I love the original Outer Limits and some other classics Nic at Night programs like Mr. Ed and Lost in Space...(guess I am stuck in my childhood a bit,lol)...I watch ONLY ONE soap opera, so don't's called One Life to Live...Sometimes I watch shows like The Bachelor and other reality programs...But generally I prefer the movies or renting a great video...I am not a huge TV person...Would rather be outdoors or if indoors play a good board game or chess...
The Bible; The Road Less Travelled; The Purpose Driven Life; The Power of Now; Limitless Mind; Beyond Einstein by Dr. Michio Kaku; The Way of the Peaceful Warrior & No Ordinary Moments by Dan Millman; Tales of Power; Journey to Ixtlan; Ageless Body, Timeless Mind; You Can Heal Your Life; Your Body Knows; Star People; Limitless Mind; Spontaneous Healing; The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masaru Emoto; Invisible Acts of Power; The Seat of the Soul; some Wayne Dyer; some Deepak Chopra; most TS Elliot; most William Wordsworth; some Shakespeare; many other nutrition and philosophy books..
Jesus is number ONE! Other heroes include Einstein, Gandhi, Buddha, Dalai Lama (I previously studied Buddhism), Shirley MacClaine, Pope John Paul II, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, my deceased friend Corporal Dennis John Lange, my parents and all people working to help with any animal rights causes.