My family, travel, reading, music, Special Olympics, walking, NOT gardening, Civil War, politics (I'm a die-hard Democrat,) Detroit Tigers old and new, Michigan Wolverines football
Bay City Rollers and all their solo acts, Billy Joel, Bob Seger, Dean Martin, Beatles, Smashmouth
Anything with Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis, Cary Grant, Jimmy Stewart, Tom Hanks, George Clooney, Steve Martin, Jeff Daniels or Owen Wilson, "North and South" mini-series, "Gettysburg," all the Harry Potter movies.
The Amazing Race, Survivor, The Biggest Loser, ABC soaps, The West Wing (until it was canned!)
Love biographies and good fiction. I don't have as much time to read these days as I would like, and I miss it. I should be doing that right now instead of playing on the computer!
My real heroes are those living with disabilities of all kinds, especially children. They inspire me!!